New Modes app not switching modes

Just updated and setup new modes based on migration from legacy modes.
The new settings look exactly as before however when leaving or arriving modes are not altering.
I am using virtual presence sensors which are altered via switch in apple home kit.

Reverting back to legacy modes everything works ok, so assuming I am missing something or there might be a bug in new modes?

Sorry cannot upload screens shots are T1 user it seems

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Screenshots of new modes and legacy. Version
Basically I use two virtual presense sensors that get change via a shared switch with homekit.
To replicate you can change home / away via devices, with new modes nothing happens, with legacy my presense of away or home enables or disables the alarm.
I did also try deleting mirgrated auto created mode and recreate manually no joy.

Did note this post which is using switches as opposed to virtual presence

Update post build 27/09/22

Same issue occurs when I only have virtual presence sensors for mode, i.e mode does not change
Intrestingly if I add mobiles in Day, Evening modes the virtual presense works ok in setting away / home

So think there is still some coding issues - please advise

FYI, I am seeing the same thing and had to create a basic rule for the time being since my house alarm wasn't setting upon everyone leaving. Everything was turning off with rules, just not changing to the away mode.

Update: Updated to the latest on C7 and it still will not switch to away. I tried everything thing I could even deleting the mode app and re-adding it. Same results.

I've been having the same issue too.

Assuming that you are setting modes by time with those times, then you should get rid of Day, Evening and Night presence settings in that table, and instead use Presence to Return from Away.

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I have lots of automations already setup for day, evening, night so not an option at the moment.
It worked fine in legacy just not in modes 2.0
For now adding mobile devices back into mode 2.0 seems to allow virtual devices to function when setting away or home modes.
So found a work around, but something not right when you only have virtual presence sensors as per first original post.

Of course I could use switches given these are fixed in todays build.
Given switches set state of my virtual presence devices.

This doesn't change that. Show your Mode Manager page in full.

As requested - mode mirgration without actual phones added in

If you remove the Day, Evening and Night presence entries, and instead put the presence sensors in the "Presence to Return From Away" as Any Arrive, then it will work the way you want it to. What that means is to set the presence to what it would be for that time of day when you return. This puts all of your times in one place, the Set Mode at Time table.

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Thank you, I can confirm that works perfect :slight_smile:

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And I can confirm that there is a bug wrt multiple selections of presence sensors:

Update: the latest update fixed it for me, thanks! @bravenel


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