New Homebridge Plug-in via MakerAPI

This device says “upper thermostat” but you showed me the parameters of “lower thermostat” can you show me the device page for the “upper thermostat”?

Ah OK. I have one too. What I do is what he’s suggesting, but instead of a virtual lock, I just have it change a virtual switch. Works the same.

Sorry! I have two identical thermostats - same make and model, both with the same issue. I just removed one of them and moved it over to a Vera hub to see if it had the same problem and it did not report a low battery to HomeKit via the Vera homebridge plugin. I'll get the lower thermostat added back to Hubitat shortly and send you the details.

no I didn't get any errors.

I did try "npm install -g homebridge-hubitat-makerapi --force" but still getting the same errors again

I'm running node version V8.2.1. Is that still good or I need to update it?

I'm not having any issues on version 10.16.3.


how do I go by updating to v10?

That version had partial support for spread syntax, but not full. (See Consider updating Node.js to 8.3.0 or newer.

okay now I'm getting this error

[11/15/2019, 6:31:14 AM] [undefined hhm:0.4.5] HE Eventsocket encountered error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND null null:80 Closing socket
[11/15/2019, 6:31:14 AM] [undefined hhm:0.4.5] HE Eventsocket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in 5 second.
[11/15/2019, 6:31:19 AM] [undefined hhm:0.4.5] attempt connection to ws://null/eventsocket

Can you send me you config.json for Homebridge? That seems off. You can also try this brand new tool here to create it:

Your config.json is stored in ~/.homebridge/config.json

I did find this issue. Working on one more item and will release a new version later today.

@dan.t when I was using tonesto's plugin, every once in a while Homekit would forget which rooms all my devices were in, and all the devices in my HomeKit automations would get cleared out. It usually happened around the time when there was a power cycle. I think I saw in a message board somewhere that it might be Homebridge starting up before Hubitat did, and that re-created the devices or something?

Is this something you know about, or have worked on in your own plugin?

It did the same thing for me when I was using the "old" plugin.

I have changed quite a bit in the plugin when it comes to how devices are cached within homebridge and how "intelligent" the plugin is in regard to hub restarts, removing devices, etc.

What I can say is that ever since I released this version of the plugin, I never had the problem of HomeKit forgetting my room assignments.

Just one note though, you will lose your room assignments if you delete the files in the "persist" and/or "accessories" folders of homebridge. But you should never have to do that unless you completely messed up your pairing between homebridge and Homekit. Take this as your warning to never mess with the temporary files that are created by homebridge :rofl:


That's great, thanks! One more minor question - is there a way to change the min/max scale that shows in HomeKit? With the Vera plugin I could only set them temp from 60-80 which was nice because one degree increments were easier to make in the Home app. With the Hubitat plugin it's 50-100 which makes it a little harder to zero in on the specific temp.

Yes, the vera plugin hardcoded these min/max values but I am usually never a fan of hardcoding something like this, I cannot predict if I will negatively affect someone else. For example, it is publicly recommended to leave your vacant house between 50 - 60 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent freezing of pipes. That range would not be possible with the vera plugin.

The degrees still change in one degree increments and the iOS app even provides tactical feedback for each degree changed. Maybe I am missing something but I never had a problem with changing the value to my intend value...

Can you explain a bit more in detail what the difficulty is?

When the range is 50-100, the distance between two notches on the dial is smaller than when it's 60-80. So you have to be more precise with your finger placement when dragging to a new setting. Trying to bump up just one degree usually results in me accidentally going up a degree or two higher than I want and then sliding back. That doesn't sound like much but if you're groggy in bed that can be a bit annoying compared to the larger tolerance between degrees with the Vera plugin.

Not sure it's worth the effort to change though - I just wanted to know if I was missing some way to configure that range.


I just release version 0.4.6 with the following changes:

  • Fixed thermostat low battery warnings
  • fixed iOS13 duplicate calling of setThermostatOperatingMode
  • some UI changes for the diagnostic website
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Thank you for the amazing responsiveness!! Unfortunately the thermostats are still showing low battery :frowning:. I updated the plugin and rebooted both homebridge and my apple TV hub, then tried deleting the accessories and persist files, then tried removing and re-adding homebridge backnto home kit. Still no change. Anything else I should try?

Excellent info. Thank you!