New Driver for Zooz ZEN30

Been waiting on 2.1.8 to get a driver for the new Zooz ZEN30 double switch.

Now that I have it, I see where I can control the dimmer portion of the switch, but I cannot find anything where I can control the relay part of the switch other than a physical push.

@mike.maxwell do I need to uninstall the switch and reinstall using the new driver? I previously had it as a generic ZWAve Dimmer. BTW, I tried the configure command as well.

Didn't know if it would create a child device (which it did not as far as I can tell.)


Try uninstalling. It should have a child device for the relay


Thanks, I'll give it a whirl....

UPDATE: That did it. Thanks.


Clicking the "Save" button below the "Preferences" would have created the child devices...

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I can't get the relay to be controlled by Hubitat. I can control locally and the status updates correctly on the child relay component device. But no ability to control from the hub.
And yes the option for enabling both manual and command control is set correctly.

Any ideas?!

I think the only way to get the new 800LR model working correctly is with my custom driver. Zooz changed the endpoints, which broke backwards compatibility with the old driver. Something to do with z-wave certification requirements. I was able to make mine work universally by probing the device for the endpoint numbers.

Make sure you run a configure after switching.


This is awesome, thanks so much! Works perfectly and love how you interested all the additional parameters!

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