New Dashboards and Visual Rule Builder Are Here.... Yay!

Thank you for the response and information. It may be good and easier for someone without the creativity, patience and perseverance to get the desired layout correct. I do miss the colors and changing colors of some items and particularly the ability to change those, but it appears this is a WIP.

Agreed I figure itll all come with time.

For now ill just leave my existing dashboards in place and check back after each update until it reaches feature parity with the old dashboards and i can move over to the new ones.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Happy memorial day

I don't expect perfection the first time. Else all us tech nerds would get bored without updates, right? :rofl:

I appreciate the brighter colors AND the contrast and font size for my wife and eye's late middle-aged eyes to be able to read the tiles easily in the examples. Looking forward to getting home and playing around with these, and seeing my wife happier about them without so much effort on my part!

Now if it could just talk in the Amigo OS voice, and have an occasional Guru Meditation Error pop up... then this old Amiga devil dog would truly be happy!
(But I'll settle for Hubitat automatically opening to the dashboard on our phones :yum:)


I created a new Easy Dashboard... how do you get the URL to access said dashboard from a phone or tablet? I tried copying the URL it loads in the browser but that gives me a URL that requires you to log in to the hub to access.

I wanted to check if I'm doing something incorrectly or if it's simply not supported yet. I created a new test dashboard that looks and functions well in the browser. However, when I open the Hubitat app on my iPhone, the new dashboard does not appear.

EZ Dash isn't supported on mobile or cloud... YET


I'm just trying to get a URL that works on anything without prompting someone for admin rights to the hub? As far as I can tell there's no way to get any kind of URL (Even local LAN) that doesn't require the user to provide the admin password to the hub?

Do you have hub security turned on or off?

The new dashboards are a HUGE improvement, but there is one really annoying feature.
When opening a dashboard on my phone it always pops-up a "dialog box" (for want of a better term) with content "Screen layout changed ...."

I use a dashboard for open/close of my garage and this ADDs unnecessary time to the process (waiting for the dialog to disappear.)

What is the point of the dialog box?
What use does it serve?
The only I can think of is when configuring a dashboard -- but not when using it.

Please remove this unnecessary functionality.


I agree, this is a great upgrade. Thanks to the developers! However, I'm experiencing the same issue on both my phone and Chrome on my PC. On my PC, it's not as problematic because the large screen size doesn't hide anything, but on my phone, I have to create a dummy entry above it to access what I need right away. This workaround makes things look a bit messy. Please provide an option to turn this feature off, or consider removing it if it's not widely used. Thank you!


option of showing battery as percentage would be great!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Add log history tile or some other means to view device history

2 posts were split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow style customization of tiles

A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Add tile for streaming cameras

There is a lock in bottom right.
There is a gear bottom left.
Gear it.
There is a selector at bottom for layout.
Once done the pop-up no pop no mo.

Now... if i could make my music player be not an outlet, suds would pour!


I created a new EZ dashboard on my Mac but it does not show up in the IOS app dashboard tab. What am I missing?

We're still in the process of integrating new easy dashboards and legacy dashboards. Give it a few more 2.3.9 builds...


it's great to see the ability to have drag and drop tiles for the legacy dashboards coming to fruition. A big thanks to the staff.


I have found memories of that Amiga, I had a 64 then a 128, a 2000, 3000, 4000 which I still have somewhere and a CD32 which I also may have somewhere.