[FEEDBACK] Add logs tile or some other means to view device history

Does the new dashboards have the ability to see the device history ..like the earlier dashboards?

asking again....WILL the new dashboards have the ability to access history? Thx

This is not currently possible with the exception of the HSM tile, but has been added to possible future enhancements.


History is one of my most used features of Dashboards. Much more direct than drilling through the hub UI.

What do you mean by this? I think Iā€™m missing out on something useful. :thinking:

On some dashboards (HD+ as an example) you can click on a device, then click activity/recent and it will display the last 10 events or so for that device.

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On any standard dashboard tile. Click the hamburger menu. On the screen that opens there is a link in the upper right hand corner to history for that device.


Nice, I had no idea that was there! :man_facepalming: