New Dashboards and Visual Rule Builder Are Here.... Yay!

EZ Dash isn't supported on mobile or cloud... YET


I'm just trying to get a URL that works on anything without prompting someone for admin rights to the hub? As far as I can tell there's no way to get any kind of URL (Even local LAN) that doesn't require the user to provide the admin password to the hub?

Do you have hub security turned on or off?

The new dashboards are a HUGE improvement, but there is one really annoying feature.
When opening a dashboard on my phone it always pops-up a "dialog box" (for want of a better term) with content "Screen layout changed ...."

I use a dashboard for open/close of my garage and this ADDs unnecessary time to the process (waiting for the dialog to disappear.)

What is the point of the dialog box?
What use does it serve?
The only I can think of is when configuring a dashboard -- but not when using it.

Please remove this unnecessary functionality.


I agree, this is a great upgrade. Thanks to the developers! However, I'm experiencing the same issue on both my phone and Chrome on my PC. On my PC, it's not as problematic because the large screen size doesn't hide anything, but on my phone, I have to create a dummy entry above it to access what I need right away. This workaround makes things look a bit messy. Please provide an option to turn this feature off, or consider removing it if it's not widely used. Thank you!


option of showing battery as percentage would be great!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Add log history tile or some other means to view device history

2 posts were split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Allow style customization of tiles

A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] Add tile for streaming cameras

There is a lock in bottom right.
There is a gear bottom left.
Gear it.
There is a selector at bottom for layout.
Once done the pop-up no pop no mo.

Now... if i could make my music player be not an outlet, suds would pour!


I created a new EZ dashboard on my Mac but it does not show up in the IOS app dashboard tab. What am I missing?

We're still in the process of integrating new easy dashboards and legacy dashboards. Give it a few more 2.3.9 builds...


it's great to see the ability to have drag and drop tiles for the legacy dashboards coming to fruition. A big thanks to the staff.


I have found memories of that Amiga, I had a 64 then a 128, a 2000, 3000, 4000 which I still have somewhere and a CD32 which I also may have somewhere.


Spectrum 128k, amiga 500 plus, amiga 1200, then adding a blizzard 1260 accel with 64m fast ram. I loved that machine, directory opus, action replay cart, personal paint etc.


/ off topic.


I am sorry to say that I just deleted the new dashboards, and went back to my old ones.

The new ones worked well on my Mac, fair on iPad, but were unusable on my iPhone 15, because the tiles were not responsive enough to turn lights on and off, like my old dashboard tiles are. And when trying to hold them down to access dimmers, 95% of the time all it would do is select the text of the tile.

Also, the text was too small on the iPhone, to fit much into the buttons, which arrayed 3 across.
(ie "Wa Val" instead of "Water Valve"

I will start a new test dashboard, and play around with the defaults, so I can get them to start at 2 across and hopefully work better. But they really should work "out of the box" to be "family ready".

I am not trying to be too critical here - I am sure the Hubitat team will keep tweaking to make them better. I am posting this as constructive criticism, not a rant!


I would like to see a way to automatically group tiles by assigned room.


A post was split to a new topic: Questions about new Easy Dashboard

Too bad there's no dashboard tile... Then I could create a house dashboard containing all my room dashboards and each room dashboard could contain a tile to go back to the main dashboard... The navigation feature comes close but doesn't quite do the job.

hint: a new Helper Tile type... maybe could be more generic like a link tile


I know they are trying to make the main dashboard the "home" page, but I too wish there we could have a dashboard to hold other dashboards. In the old version I made a "main" page for my iPad, one for my iPhone and one for my Mac and then used them accordingly to help with any layout issues.

Plus, I wish there was a toggle to hide/show the old dashboards inside then Easy Dashboard app.

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