New Aqara T1-series Zigbee 3.0 devices finally available

Some ZigBee 3.0 products can be joined to the hub and binded together. But until Hubitat supports 3.0 fully it's a bit hit and miss with some limitations.

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Can you give some examples of battery devices? The T1 sensors will not work natively with HE which is why you see everyone using the new Aqara M2 hub (or other solutions like zigbee2mqtt)

Huh?, what specific devices that are fully Zigbee 3.0 compliant that dont work with Hubitat are you talking about?

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No it's not that. I'm talking about devices joining to the hub and working (which is what your talking about). Then joining the devices to each other aswell so the communicate directly not via the hub. Some devices ( all sunricher stuff and inner is what I have tried it on) are able to find and bind which then allows both local control and hub control. As i mentioned its a bit of a faff and a knack because it's not supported by the hub, but the devices support it so you have to trick the hub to rejoin and the devices to bind at the same time.
I'm assuming though that part of 3.0 spec is a way to do this easier.

Touch Link which is what you're talking about isn't a new Zigbee 3.0 thing, and I don't expect a 3.0 certified device to make that type of join any easier.
I don't beleive the spec is intended to support both concurrently, so i beleive hub support is irrelevant here as touch link is not something a coordinator is supposed to do in the first place.

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No that's something else, with out the use of a hub, look for "find and bind" all the sunricher data sheets has it on. There is a number of things their devices I was able to do.

Possibly I don't know for sure, but as its connected to the green power stuff as well. Hence why I wondered if it would come into that part of the spec. Green power stuff is more than just the kinetic switches, seems almost like its a sub layer of coms between the devices?

@mike.maxwell probably more than this but something on the silicon labs.

Any news of Aqara T1 devices’ drivers for HE?

Any news on Aqara P1 and FP1 devices drivers for HE?

Are these devices available?, and if so where?

The P1 can be found j Amazon

The FP1 can be found on aliexpress

I ordered a P1, I won't order anything from aliexpress.


Yeah I just tried and they wanted me to submit a drivers license or passport in order to "verify" my identity even though using Google Pay. Just not going to happen. Don't have to do it with other sites and purchases..


Weird. I buy stuff off of AliExpress monthly on average, and have never had to do that.

That said, I'm making my own mmWave presence devices, so have no need to order the aqara ones.


That's unbelievable... Do you have any idea why? When accessing, are you using VPN or anything else that may be considered an attempt to hide your location/country identity?

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Nope and I've even bought things before..dunno whats wrong. Even tried entering the card directly.

Then this:

edit: Card definitely works pinky swear! :wink:

Maybe I will try Apple Pay or something.. :person_shrugging: - it's not really all that important right now.

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Likely has more to do with verifying country of residence rather than a general change in their purchasing process since current availability for the FP1 is limited to China.


Yes, this could be a reason!

BTW, this is a good article on how to proceed with the appeal in such cases:

You don't have to reveal any sensitive credit card or personal information, but ... :frowning:

I personally never use my real credit cards for similar purchases, nowadays there are a lot of FinTech companies that provide as free service virtual credit cards (actually - debit card), that you can load with small amounts for the particular purchase, etc..

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"New Aqara Human body Exists Sensor FP1" is not visible at the moment on AliExpress Europe accounts. I believe it is the same (hopefully temporary) restriction for sales in the US.
It is visible only following the direct link posted above,..

So for me this is definitely the reason for the identity check. Probably won't work , until sales outside China are enabled.

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Is it based on the below video? If so, it appears to be on the 24GHz spectrum compared to the superior 60GHz sensor that Aqara uses, so your mileage may vary