[NEW APP] Room Lighting



I'll give it a try when I get home tonight.

Next release, not tonight.

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Is there a way to activate and turn off "Room Lighting" with one toggle button?

Sure, use Means to Turn On, Toggle with Button Press.

I’m looking to use a switch to disable and re-enable activation as per the RL instructions. I’m running into an issue around the list of selections in each of the two drop-downs.

The disable selection has a long list of options:

But the re-enable selection only has two, so I can’t select the appropriate option:

BTW, this was a problem on initial import from Mode Lighting, and I found it when debugging things.

Am I missing something, or is this in fact an issue?

So far having fun playing around with migrating automations to RL….thx!!

When you import a Mode Lighting app, the Switch to Disable becomes a Condition to Limit Activation, not an Event to Disable Activation. Then the result is the same as it works in Mode Lighting, with slightly different wording.

But, having said that, I notice that Motion Lighting imports the same thing as an Event to Disable. In which case there should be a corresponding Event to Re-Enable for a switch. That will get fixed.

I’m a bit confused by this. What should I be selecting in the re-enable list? It can’t be left blank.

Don't use the switch to Disable. Use it to Limit Activation instead.

Got it…makes sense now. Thanks for the direction.

Bruce, I saw the update to allow Variable usage in Room Lighting illuminance rules, and set one up (below), but it behaves the same no matter what I do, it throws an error in the logs thus:

app:9532022-06-13 08:02:04.104 pm errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "811.3" on line 2247 (method luxOffHandler)

Pics of the instance/rule and the logs are below. This same error occured yesterday on, as well as today on

Probably something I'm doing incorrectly, but if it is, I'm stumped. I removed the activation restrictions (between two times) thinking that might be causing an issue, but the behavior remains the same.


It looks like your illuminance device is returning a decimal value -- it must be integer. It has nothing to do with the variable.

What driver is this? Take the variable out, and confirm that it still throws errors, please.

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Interesting. I'm using @bptworld's Averaging Plus for illuminance averaging of 3 Hue Outdoor Motion Sensors.

Let me check on that value. Thanks Bruce.

Yup, that was it, user error. The averager defaulted to decimal, a simple toggle flip to "round" solved the problem! Again thanks.

Works perfectly. Love this app!


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The latest update has fixed my issues with inactive motion timing.

Two min delay for one mode

No delay for other modes

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Motion and Mode lighting app has an option to adjust levels when mode changes. Is that an option in Room Lights that I am just not seeing?

I have set per mode options but if the lights are already on when the mode changes the levels are not being adjusted.

On the Activation Options page:

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Where do I find the Room Lighting app?

I’m on the latest version of Hubitat, running on a C-5 Hub.

Apps page, Add Built-In App


I see the transition to on under Other Activation Options. But the corresponding transition to off doesn't appear under Other Turning Off Options on 126. What am I missing?

Look at Alternative Turning Off Methods. Preset Off has a transition time option. You define the target "off" settings on the Modes page.