[NEW APP] Room Lighting

Is it possible to run a "low light" setup instead of turning off the lights? i.e. In my kitchen, I have a few lights. Generally I like to leave 1 of them on during my waking hours and below a certian LUX, but then when walking into the kitchen, I would like to turn all lights on, and after leaving, I would like to return to the single light on, and not turn off the lights.

Then when I am in night mode, I simply turn off all the lights.

I have been looking at the app and the thread here and have not found a solution for this. I can see that I can use ACT and OFF, but not to set particular lights to another state (i.e. lower light).

Perhaps a column with option for OFF settings?


@bravenel I was wondering if the restore to previous state bug was fixed? I didn't see it in the release notes.

I believe so.

Sure, use a Preset Off that sets them however you want. This will be what happens when the app Turns Off. This can also be done on a per mode basis.

Aha.. It took me a while to understand that the Preset Off only appeared in the modes section after I had chosen it in the "Turn Off Lights Options".


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Ok, so I have succesfully managed to setup a low light mode instead of turning off. But now comes the next challenge.

When illumination is above a certain threshold, I would like to turn off the lights fully. Having looked at the options for turning off the lights, I cannot see how one would go about doing that, except maybe having a variable that changes on LUX level. This would then require another automation to fill in that variable to be used in this Room lighting scenario.

While on the subject, it seems that conditions are AND, so I cannot for example say, turn on when motion, but only when illumination is higher than x LUX.

I know I can/should do more complex automations with Rule Machine, but the reason I am moving wanting to move this to Room Lighting is because I couldn´t quite get it working in RM.

Under the means to activate, limit activation under these conditions (lux)

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Yes, thanks. That seems to do the trick :wink:

I had a chance to try this as the alternate off return to previous state. The previous state of the lights was off, but nothing happened. All of the lights remained on.

Need to see the app setup page, and screenshot of logs showing this happening. Open a Logs tab...

It looks like it may capturing the device state at activation instead of before activation.

Do you possibly have another app installed? Because this one shows that it should turn all of those lights off upon activation, yet your logs shows them turning on. Show the device page for Dog Night, near the bottom, where it shows In Use By. That's what it looks like, another app is being activated and turning them all on.

I do have another app with the same name, but it has been stopped. I left it there as a backup in case the new app didn't work out for me.

Also - the Dog Night device is a virtual switch (FWIW) and I can see in the log that it was turned to ON again at 9:23p when it was supposed to be off.

Yes, I can confirm there is a bug with the pre-capture when the switches are off. This is fixed for the next release.


Great, Thank you!

I created a new Boolean variable and tried to use it in an existing Room Lighting rule under "means to activate lights"-->"variable becomes true," but it doesn't appear in the drop-down list of variables. If I create a new rule, it does appear.

Any idea of how to make it show up for an existing rule? I've tried (a) hitting done to close the rule then reopen it; (b) cloning the rule to make a new rule; and (c) rebooting the hub. No luck.

I will take a look at this.

Answer: Hit the Update button on the main page of the app. That refreshes the variables available to the app.


Yep, that did it--I should have seen that. Thanks!

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I'm still having some issue with using a variable as a trigger. I select the variable as a trigger, and it is shown correctly:

However, after I hit "done" and then reopen the rule, that variable trigger is gone:

Am I doing something wrong here?

I tried recreating the rule from scratch, and the behavior is the same: the activate-by-variable setting doesn't stick after hitting "done."

Well, pretty obviously a bug, I'd say. I will track it down for the next release.

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