Hello All,
I'm a recent convert to HE from ST - Loving the dependability and lack of outages! I've managed to move (just about) everything over hardware wise, and understand why I cant move what won't (Ikea button stuff - no worries).
I have a Netatmo Healthy Home Coach, that I was mainly using to measure Co2 in the kids bedroom, so as to trigger Fans and Alerts (amazing correlation between too much Co2 overnight and grumpy kids in the morning)...
I tried a number of existing solutions to getting it connected to HE, without much success - and was also wary of slowdown issues experienced by others. So, I've tried my own fix - which appears to be stable.
Please can I get some pointers on how to proceed to share with Community? I'm somewhat self taught, and know I don't know enough to avoid pitfalls and causing offence/breaking rules.
Current Method: I have a WebCore piston that retrieves access and refresh tokens when needed, then uses those to get data (every 10 mins to match local sensor data upload) from the Netamo Cloud. The piston populates a virtual device with the data.
I based my virtual driver on the example VirtualOmniSensor driver from the Hubitat Github here . Rightly so, it contains a Hubitat copyright message. What changes are needed, so that it's acceptable to share in the community?
With my limited knowledge, I could not get the auth-code grant type to work (as experienced by others). But I reasoned that as I was accessing my own data (not someone elses) I'm OK to use client-credential grant type. Netatmo Dev Docs
Should I be able to turn my Piston into an App (see next Q) does this approach still hold true? A user would install an App to access their own data, that runs locally on their Hub. Data is not accessed by a third party? I'd love views on if this is acceptable? -
After much trial and error (much much error) the 80 lines of 'code' in my piston works (0.1% of runtime, 6% of busy time) and seems stable. I have begun on the dev documentation on the Hubitat site, and the suggestions on the community to check out the SmartThings Groovy getting started/porting info Hubitat Dev Docs. Are there any other good resources for a beginner?
Many thanks in advance for reading this, and your feedback. I've appreciated and enjoyed the community support in getting this far, and would like to contribute positively, so my apologies if any of this is inappropriate/in the wrong place/simply dumb...