Hi there, I have the following nest integration setup (community.hubitat.xxx/t/nest-integration-limited-release/2506) and it's stopped working, I think largely due to the "Nest Eventstream" device going missing in my device list. No idea what ended up happening to it. Can someone assist me with re-creating it, at least by posting their device to see if I can get this working again? Sorry for the odd request, hoping someone can help. Thanks so much.
I would ask this to the community app page for the nest interigration as it's not a Hubitat app.
Jumping over to the referenced thread , this was the official built-in Nest integration, but is no longer supported and can no longer be re-installed since Google cut off the old program. Technically existing installs were supposed to keep working, but if the EventStream device was somehow deleted, I'm not sure how to get it back.
You could try to restore some of your db backups to see if an older one still has that device present/working?
Otherwise, you could take a peek at my community app/drivers, which use the new Google API interface:
Note that Google hasn't exposed the full set of functionality that Nest did, so it may be worth posting which devices you have, and what your use cases are, to review for any gaps.