Need some Pico expertise, please

I'm trying to control a fan using a Pico Remote and I think I'm finding either a limitation of the Pico, or of the fan, and not sure which. The fan supports a simple process to dim the light up and down via single press on original remote until you get to the desired brightness and release. That fan type is supported in the Bond integration and has custom commands for the startDimming and stopDimming commands.

I've set up a button in the following way in two rules:

  • Rule1: Hold button 5, activate startDimming custom command
  • Rule 2: Release button 5, activate stopDimming custom command

Both commands work fine if they are sent via a button push. What I want to do, however, is activate startDimming via Hold, and then activate stopDimming via Release.

Activating startDimming via hold works fine. However, when I release, if I've held the button for "too long" (haven't timed it yet, but probably >5s) it appears the Hold "stopDimming" command is never sent, the fan light goes on dimming and brightening over and over forever.

Does the Pico have a "you can't hold the button that long" limitation w/Hold actions? Should it be able to go into stasis and wait for my release no matter how long, or is it expected that it times out on long holds?


How did you configure the Pico in the Lutron integration? As a โ€œfastโ€ Pico (pushed/released) or as a held/released Pico?

I used what I guess would be the standard Pico driver, defnitely not the "Fast" Pico driver, I had asked for some advice on that was told best to start w/the "non-fast" driver and move to fast later if desired.



Are you paired through a Lutron Pro 2 hub or directly? If you are using the Lutron hub integrator, it depends on whether you specify a type p or q Pico. See comments in the integration app.

Ok, that seems to be the right type. Check the cryptic auto generated configuration list in the child app for the Lutron integration.

Through a Pro2 hub, first added to the Lutron app. Then added to the HE Lutron integration.

I don't remember a "p" or "q" option when adding the Picos, don't see that option in the HE Lutron Integration app. I'll go look at the Lutron mobile app.

Don't see any p or q option in Lutron app either...chose this option

I seem to remember something posted a long time ago about the different buttons on a 5 button Pico behaving slightly differently when held for a long time. Perhaps @bravenel knows the details?

It was something about the top/bottom buttons behaving slightly differently than the two inner buttons.

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Itโ€™s not in the Lutron app, itโ€™s whether the Hubitat app generates events on the push only or events on push and release.

Format: code,id,name Example: p,12,Kitchen Pico (Note: NO spaces after commas
Enter configuration list (Code,Id,Name)


p: Pico (pushed/held) d: Dimmer f: Fan Control m: Motion t: Thermostat
q: Pico (pushed/released) e: Shade k: Keypad s: Switch v: VCRX

Wait...what? It is my understanding that it can't be done directly and the hub is required. Is that not true? If not, how does one do the direct connection?

Thanks...and that is in the Child app for the pico. I'll go look...

It was something about up/down vs other three. Like trying to do a long held to mean dim-up. I think that only worked on the up/down buttons. But, it's been a long time.

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The Hubitat Hub REQUIRES a Lutron SmartBridge Pro, or RadioRA2, in order to use any Lutron devices. These devices cannot be directly paired to the Hubitat hub.


My error, Iโ€™m old and itโ€™s been awhile. I always get the Hue bridge and Lutron hub confused.


OK, sorry, I'm not sure where these lines are found.

Format: code,id,name Example: p,12,Kitchen Pico (Note: NO spaces after commas
Enter configuration list (Code,Id,Name)


p: Pico (pushed/held) d: Dimmer f: Fan Control m: Motion t: Thermostat
q: Pico (pushed/released) e: Shade k: Keypad s: Switch v: VCRX

I am getting held/released events in the button's event list:

No harm, no foul. :wink:

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OK, so maybe the long hold on some buttons drops the release when held "too long."

The release did seem to get sent when I did a shorter hold/release on button five, so that may be the issue. I can give it (long hold) a shot w/buttons 2 and 4 and see what happens.

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I just ran a quick test... if you HOLD the very TOP or very BOTTOM button on a Pico for too long, you will never get a Released Event.

The two middle buttons, increase and decrease, behave better.

I believe this is due to the fact that holding the Pico buttons for extended periods of time is used to actually pair the Pico with the SmartBridge.

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Woot! Thanks, @ogiewon, you are much faster than I on the quick test.

Great to know I'm not crazy, and good to learn more about the Picos.

Thanks to everyone for the help! I'll have to revise my preferred button assignments, but that's life. :slight_smile:

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The configuration in the Hubitat Lutron integration child app changes to a cryptic configuration list format the first time you try to make a change.

That's what I can't find, now interested for general purposes. I don't see any what to access or view that info in the Lutron child app. I don't see it in the main view, the events list, under the Settings (gear icon) on the child app page. I'm sure I'm staring right at it and don't see it - can you get me a screen shot of the flow to that info? Please. :slight_smile: