MyQ Chamberlain Garage Door

Someone who uses Zigbee may be able to help you. All of my devices are Z-Wave. I’ve only got about a dozen devices, and 4 of those are repeaters. Other devices are Lutron Caseta and Hue.

With Z-Wave, I’ve got a Z-Wave Toolbox device that can do spectrum analysis and signal strength.

However, candidly, if you even slightly believe that the issue is signal strength, the quick, easy, and inexpensive solution would be to add a repeater. Just avoid light bulbs, they are poor repeaters. A Zigbee smart outlet would do the job. I’ve got a couple of innr outlets that repeat Zigbee that I used when I had a SmartThings multiSensor (my first try at a garage sensor).

Here are a couple of pictures in the forum show various ways to mount a garage door sensor:

I described upthread how I did my mounting of an Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7. It’s not pretty, but it works and is hidden. I chose that sensor, one of the first devices I bought, because it can also be configured to use external contacts rather than the internal magnet sensor. It has worked well for me.

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