Must update by Aug 31 message - New app immediately crashes

I opened my Hubitat app last evening on my iPad 10 updated to the latest IOS 17 patches.

I was prompted to install the newest app by Aug 31 as the current app would be unsupported after that. Not a big deal. I installed it, logged in, and the app promptly crashes. I closed the app, reopened, I get a flash of what I assume is a welcome screen, then the app crashes immediately. Rebooted the iPad and got the same results. Uninstalled and reinstalled the app, same thing continues to happen.

How am I expected to use this app after the 31st if it won't launch?

Thank you for your feedback. The old app will continue to be supported even after August 31st. The plan was to remove the old app from the Google/Apple store. However, based on your feedback and others who are having problems with the new app, the scheduled store removal will be postponed until all the problems with the new app are resolved. You can expect a new update for the old app announcing the extension within a few days.


Just FYI. Using an up-to-date iPhone 15 and Hubitat app 2.0.3 (299), I have been experiencing the "100% of the time instant crash" when attempting to open the app even with no other apps open on the phone. Phone reboot does allow me to then keep app open for a bit. But, then it eventually crashes. Hub is running the latest beta platform version (

This morning, discovered that, if I turn off WiFi, app will open and seems fully functional. If, with app still open, I turn WiFi back on, app continues to work just fine. But, should I close the app and attempt to reopen, I am back to "continual crash" mode. Phone is on the same WiFi as the hub, VPN off ... mystery to me what's going on.

A bit more information. If I change my phone to my router's guest WiFi the Hubitat app works just fine. Once I go back to the same WiFi as the hub uses, continual crashing.

Could you please install the newest beta to see if the problem persists?

Thanks for the attention. I’m running, and when I look for updates (settings>updates), I get a “no updates available” message.