Most successful presence detection?

Hubitat’s built in HomeKit integration means that the RPi running HomeBridge is no longer required, especially for just presence detection.

I use a Virtual Presence with Switch device that I have shared with Apple Home using Hubitat’s HomeKit integration. I then created two App,e Home Automations, that turn on/off the virtual switch when I arrive/depart.

This does still require at least one AppleTV4K or HomePod Mini to act as the Apple Home Hub, which runs those two Apple Home Automations.

If you’d like an even simpler solution (I.e. less hardware), you can use Locative. Locative runs 100% locally on your iPhone, and simply make calls to Hubitat’s cloud endpoint for MakerAPI running on your HE to expose a Virtual Presence sensor. There is a great thread that explains exactly how to set this up.