More Life 360 states in official app please - UPDATE: Now available in Community Life 360 Integration

Something is going on with your RM and/or speech devices. Only portion that has anything to do with Life360 is the Condition and that looks just fine. Sorry.

This is my RM Test rule...

@bptworld Senior moment.... It is a new 2nd hub and I did not have chromecast loaded on it yet. Now that it is I have the mini's available. Your response reminded me. Thanks

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lol, glad it was something simple!

Holy crap Batman, this is going to be cool!!!!! My mind is already in planning mode!

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So are these new states exposable in an Attribute tile now?

They are free to use as you choose... just like any other attributes. Just remember we are still working out some kinks, so don't go too crazy with them or you might have to redo everything. :wink:

Kinks? Heck when I code, it works right the first time!!!! :joy::joy::joy:


BTW, working awesome so far! I'm happy to patiently wait for the next app. This just makes me happy I'll have this functionality outside of ST and WebCore. One of the reasons I used the webcore presence sensor was for this information. Might be time to finally retire that and some pistons!

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After a little bit of dancing I got this up and running.

I will make one suggestion, right now RM is not working with custom boolean attributes. I suggest replacing the booleans with strings. I did so locally and it then allows me to do RM rules and triggers on those attributes.

Wonder if the new RM4.0 is working with the booleans...

Trying it now, doing some testing but seems to be working fine. Thanks!

Doesn't seem to do any better with them :neutral_face:


Let me repeat, this is NOT ready for primetime. Things are still subject to change and everything will have to be reinstalled.


New Driver version...
V1.0.3 - 07/03/19 - Changed booleans to strings so it'll work with RM. Thanks @doug

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Has anyone figured out how to get rule 4.0 to announce when someone leaves a particular place. I can get it to announce when they arrive at any place, just that place, but getting it to announce just the place they left from is a different story. thanks

I haven't tried to get RM to do it but I'm working on a new app that will announce/push/turn on/off a switch when Arriving/Departing/Moving and more. It knows the difference between random places and places you have stored in the app too.

My daughter is on vacation in Maine right now and is moving around a lot. Great for testing! lol

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Great, sounds like those changes will help immensely. Always helps to have someone out in the field to help out!

Now if I can get Life360 to implement the dual circle locations!!!!! Things would be even better!!

Dual circle locations use TWO circles for the geo fence for each location. An outer and an inner. The inner triggers the "arrival" the outer triggers the "leaving". Especially for tighter locations or locations near roads..this really helps. An example is my kids school is close to a road. To make the circle big enough to capture them while they are at school it overlaps the road. So everytime they are in a car driving by the school they "arrive...and then leave" within a minute. The dual circle allows them only to arrive when they actually enter just the school(smaller circle)! But they can exit the small circle (playground) and still haven't "left" until the exit the larger one(driving away). Here's to hoping :slight_smile:

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I already have a 'Time to be considered at a Place (in Minutes)' setup to hopefully compensate for that. So someone would have to be at a place for '5' minutes (or whatever you set it to) to be considered there. And if the person enters the area and leaves the area within the 5 minutes, no action is taken.

You sir...are a thinker! I am surprised other location services haven't thought about the dual circle model. It's very easy to understand and setup. Webcore nailed their presence sensor and I've been spoiled ever since.

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New app and driver have been released...

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Hey Mate,
saw this this morning, anything to worry about ?

app:3222019-08-06 07:14:17.878 am Read timed out on line 558 (updateMembers)