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You can experiment with 10% or even 20% increase/decrease, that may work better. What is the minimum time between two rotations in the same direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) that generate events? I expect to be around 1.2 seconds, i.e. faster rotate rate will not generate new events?

It is not possible now. We must wait for HE engineers to implement the missing inbound group messaging processing in HE hub, that still seems to be not a top priority in 2022 (see this link)

Zigbee specification document is 565 pages, I can't tell.. :slight_smile:

But again, this is a HE limitation, that prevents some IKEA and LIDL and also Tuya remote dimmers to have the full functionality in Hubitat. At the same time, these remotes work with HomeAssistant ZHA, zigbee2mqtt and even with SmartThings hub... This has been discussed in many threads in the past.