Moes 2 gang Zigbee

Hey all,

Sorry if I am doing this wrong but I am new to the Habitat. Oh yeah, and I am old, lol.

I have installed the two gang switch and added it to habitat. The device shows up and has the two child devices.

The problem is both buttons switch the same device on and off.

Neither controls the second light.

The app works the same way.

I am so lost at this point, any help is greatly appreciated.

Here is the device list. The one with the issue is called Moulding.

Here is the Parent Device.

First child below.

2nd Child Below.

Driver Code.

Driver Code Used

Here are the device details.

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Hi @ritewing ,

There are many different switches sold with the white label 'Moes' that work in different ways and may require different drivers.

You need to identify your particular device. Show us a screenshot of the 'Device Details'—Data section, as displayed on the HE web page.

You can also try to edit your first post, deleting the driver code - it is not necessary to copy all the code in the forum message.

This driver is available for installation from HPM (Hubitat Package Manager), see the details here :