Model C-5 Resource Leak?

Those other triggers are used in the rule per se. As the OP stated, they are just tests. At the trigger time, the rule runs and if it's between sunset and sunrise, the lights either turn on or are tested.

Posting up the Action logs may help in figuring out why it's not working consistently. Once that's solved, then most of those triggers can be removed.

My sunset and sunrise triggers work, so I would use something like this:

When time is sunset

On: lights 
Wait till sunrise
Off: lights

Or split it into two rules. One with a sunset trigger to turn lights on, and one with a sunrise trigger to turn them off. I suggest the latter because I'm not sure if Wait conditions survive a reboot (in case the hub is restarted between sunset and sunrise).

I guess I experienced my first issue with the C5 Hub. When I attempted to download the latest update, the download was very slow (a few percents per minute). When it reached 80% it went to verifying download and failed (I attempted downloading a few times). However, I rebooted the hub and the download only took a few seconds. So rebooting the hub resolved the issue - definitely some sort of resource leak.

On of my friends had the same issue with a c5, after a reboot everything went smoothly

How does one identify a resource leak when it is present? Surely there are other issues that could also improve after a reboot?

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You are correct; I have no concrete proof. But typically if performance stagnates as uptime increases a memory/resource leak is the cause.
(I have no way of running valgrind to confirm this on the Hub :sweat_smile:)

There is a valuable app called Hub Watchdog (zwave, zigbee, virtual), which would alert you to a slowdown.

ok so it is now morning, My hub was rebooted at midnight, sunrise did not seem to trigger (all my overnight lights are still on) and this showed up in the log. I probably will start another thread so as not to take over this one. :slight_smile:

Any comments though are invited.

Seemed like the same app522 is causing you issue. This is also the same one caused error earlier on the earlier post. Maybe disable it or look deeper into that app.


Is there a clear cut way to determine what app522 is?

In a past logs screen, click on that app number, then look at the top of the screen and you will see what rule you are looking for.


In the log entry, click on the [info], [error] in the log entry. It’ll take you to the right page


Thanks all. I have no idea what is wrong with this rule... I guess I'll just delete it and recreate ... very very frustrating.

Have you considered using the simple lighting app instead of RM? It should be able to do what you are trying to accomplish with a lot less frustration.

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It almost seems like something in your rule is corrupt.

522 is the rule you are working on, isn't it?

Yeah... something is jacked for sure- 522 is my "night" rule... the one that causes the most trouble. I just recreated that rule a couple days ago and it is still not functioning right so as @Vettester suggested, I deleted it and recreated it in Simple Lighting. Maybe that will be better.

Thanks all...

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Small update. I deleted my sunset to 1030 rule in RM4 and did it in simple lighting. So far everything has worked as far as I can tell. No skipped triggers (so to speak).

One other thing I have noticed, I cant enter AM or PM in rule manager- even though I am set for 12h time and the AM/PM cyclic field is present. To get a PM time I have to enter a 24hour value and leave it at AM.

I know others disagree, but to me, something is jacked in RM. Just my .02.

Maybe it is messed up in your system? :man_shrugging:

I have >70 RM rules running just fine on mine, though. Many with time triggers.

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What browser are you using?

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I have the same problem selecting PM when using Safari on my iPad. I can select PM and it will show PM, but after clicking "done" and reopening the rule it always shows AM. Using a different browser solved the problem.