That's true. I'm only using the probability of likelihood that all 3 locks would be faulty at the same time, and then become un-faulty (i invented that word) directly only after a reboot.
It looks the same, but the fact that you asked the question has me concerned that you did not use this for the first action and maybe instead tried typing the whole thing into the URL:
(choose the content type and type the body text; Hubitat puts the "-->" there for you as a sort of symbol showing additional things that apply to your action and puts "(form encoded)" and "body:" there as labels; they are not something you should literally put there yourself).
Additionally, for the second action, you achieve the delay by checking the "Delay" box on that action and typing in 5 minutes as the delay time. This is not done by writing the word "delayed" yourself at any point.
is this better?
That looks more like what was intended to me!
Thanks so much for your help. It's easy when you know what you're doing
I have the same switch running off of my google wifi main hub and then another one in my office that the hubitat hub, computer, hue bridge, etc. are plugged into. Seems to have not caused any problems either.
Just my two cents to this thread
I have a C4,
No slow UI problems that I have noticed, just random rules not working well (that used to be just fine with no changes) - very slow response (randomly) from button pushes or motion sensor actives- and a sunrise/sunset that is about 50% reliable.
I am daily rebooting with minimal improvement.
Willing to help in any way I can... I want to get this system back to good.
Do your logs indicate any database errors?
Great question... how do I look at the logs?
Thank you... kind of obvious I guess.
This should be helpful. I turned logging on for my troublesome rules and will watch. What will I see - just a line that says something about database error I guess ?
Here's an example from @bobbles:
Hi @aaiyar -- so as I said - I turned on logging for one of the rules that always seems to screw up. After awhile I see this posted... this is the only thing posted so far.
app:5222019-12-14 01:03:22.221 pm errorjava.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String on line 4356 (updated)
This is interesting... what do you think or where should I look to see if there is a clue here?
I'm no coder. I suggest posting the rule. If there aren't any obvious errors in it, you should let support know.
Please show the rule. If it's throwing an error, there are a number of different possible explanations: bug, badly formed rule, database corruption... etc. Can't tell without seeing more. What release are you on?
Here is the log entry
Here is the rule. (I put the multiple triggers in to try to get the thing to eventually do what I want)
That's odd, since there is nothing that triggers that rule at 1:03 PM.
You should turn on Action logging in the rule to see what's happening. What do really want to happen? That's a bizarre rule. Why not just have it do directly what you want?
Why do you say it is an odd rule?
The original rule triggered at sunrise and sunset
Then at the trigger it tests if we are at night time or day time and controls a group of lights.
Isn't that how I am supposed to do it?
The only reason there are a million other trigger points is b/c it seems to miss sunrise and sunset half the time....
Other than the multiple triggers... how would you write it?
It looks to me like none of those other triggers are used in the rule . . .