Mode manager

I didn't say that those did....i just said that the timezone of US/Eastern works. EST does not, I agree. But US/Eastern definitely does. He's already said that his location is correct. So...:man_shrugging:

That's mine. But yes, you are correct. If you're in the US, the place that gets the latest sunset time in the eastern time zone is Marquette michigan and their sunset time is 8:23 right now (They're really part of Wisconsin so they are further west than anywhere else in Eastern. It's very odd in the summer to have it be bright out till 11pm.) So, I agree, those don't make sense. But I would think that's a problem with location, not timezone.

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So i changed it to America/New York and updated. I noticed the map wasn't coming through all the way so I added my ZIP code. The map loaded up correctly, and it changed timezone BACK to US/EASTERN but the sunrise/sunset times look better now.


So I was still awake at 3am and it was on day mode. I have evening set 2 start at 9pm... And DAY not starting until 7:30am. I, suppose, my incorrect thinking was that one ends and the next one starts at the next mode time. So last night I changed it to the later of 2 times. 9pm and 6am... Let's see if that does the job tonight. Lol, tired of being up so early to test.

Something else is going on. It should only change at the time you have selected. Take a look at the app's properties window by clicking on the cog wheel. Take a screenshot and post it up here.

After we fixed your location yesterday, did you go back into the app and click done? That is when the next tasks are scheduled for the app. The fixes to your location and timezone won't do anything until the NEXT time that the jobs are scheduled. The properties window will tell use when that is supposed to happen.

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Crazy question, but have you rebooted since configuring mode manager?
When I first setup mode manager I had similar issues. Modes not changing, or changing into the wrong modes.
After a reboot it's been flawless for months.

No, I haven't rebooted but will right now.

I saw this in the log and dont understand why this is...

You said 'until the next time jobs are scheduled' my understanding of this is I have designated times I want to say DAY starts here, NIGHT starts here, and EVENING starts here (out of order i know,lol). Independent of other rules, I would expect this to be the case with mode manager. Since I fixed my location, I am seeing Day to Evening, and I even see NIGHT, but way before the DAY mode is supposed to kick in, (2am and such) DAY keeps on BEFORE my designated time.

Yeah...something is wrong with Mode Manager for you. You need to delete it and re-install. You can't do the later of two specific times. That doesn't make any sense. The later of two times or earlier of two times is intended to choose between a specific time and sunset/sunrise. So, if you want day mode to start at 7am or sunrise, whichever is earlier. That would make sense. Starting at the earlier of 6am and 7am doesn't make any sense because 6 am always comes before 7.

I did a quick test and set up mode manager to set day mode at 9am and this is my list of scheduled jobs.

Yours is about 100 times longer. So, I would remove mode manager and re-install it with the correct settings now.

And remember, if you're going to choose the same time every day, you don't have to configure the times by day, you can just enter the one time.

You are also trying to divine what the code is doing. If you have never written an app for hubitat, I would advise against trying to do that. You are most likely going to be wrong and you're just going to confuse yourself more. Just follow the instructions within the app. It doesn't matter how it does it, it matters what it's doing.

None of what is in this properties window looks right to me. It would be best to uninstall and re-install it at this point. Something is VERY wrong.

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Me personally, I found it best to change modes based on something other than time, since sunset/sunrise change every day. Yes I am new to using modes (about a month ago) so maybe my opinion is skewed

Sleep to Day via Alexa "Good morning" command where she also turns on some lights (via an HE Scene)
Day to evening at Sunset
Evening to Sleep via Alexa "Good night" command where she also turns off lights (via an HE Scene) and turns on the home security system
Any mode to Away via presence and back again when we return

Everything works like a charm

Good luck, don't give up as the guys and gals here will help you with everything you need :slight_smile:

ok, uninstalling now and reinstalling. Thanks


I dont understand what you mean here? You said I'm trying to figure out what the code is doing and not following the instructions within the app?? Why do you say that? I'm confused.

Reinstalled and chose these settings:


But sunrise and sunset don't take into account local weather and they don't take into account your activity within the space. I have my modes set up as follows:

Away....same as everyone else. Invoke manually, return is done by presence.
Sleeping - 100% manual. I initiate the mode when I go to bed and return from it when i wake up.
Day and Night - Managed by illumination. If the mode is night or day, it can transition between the two and if i return from away or sleeping, it uses the current lums to determine which to return to. My thinking is this...if I wake up at 4am because I have an early flight and it's January, I don't want the system in Day mode, because it's pitch black out. I want it in Night mode. Similarly, If it's 8pm in the middle of the summer, but there's a terrible thunderstorm, I want the system to go into night mode early because it's really dark out, even tough sunset isn't for a while.

I use mode primarily to manage what lights come on with motion and what level they come on to. Some lights don't come on with motion during the day because I don't need them to. But that's just how I use mode. Mode can be used by different people for very different things. We shouldn't presume to think that one mode is applicable without knowing everything they are using mode for.

Also, if you are just starting out using modes, I think the specific time method is the best way to start out. Then when you get a handle on the ways mode works you can transition to a more complex management system, like Sunrise/Sunset or illumination.

Can you show the properties window again? You have saved it by clicking "done" correct?

I do have to say, you have introduced another piece of complexity by switching to Sunrise/Sunset in the middle of debugging this problem. Sunrise will have a different trigger than a specific time. So, you have to completely forget everything we have talked about or that you have seen in the properties window. This is going to look totally different.

Ok i wasn't trying to disrupt debugging. I read the message and thought you guys were saying what i was trying to do originally was wrong so I put it back to a more simplest state. Let me know how you want to do it and I'll set it up accordingly to help resolve.

THe application state comes up twice, sorry about that, had to screen shot the top half then the bottom half.

Ok that makes sense. I hadn't taken account the weather. I do like times so I see what you mean about changing things. I'll put it back on the times thhat make sense. Standby

Your properties screenshot looks good to me. Leave it all alone and let it run! :wink:
