One to many
Switch Binding
Or setting up an simple automation to keep switches in sync
Or is there another one.
Which one would people recommend to keep 3 zigbee light switches in sync, three switches which control the same light. At the moment i can only turn off the light with the switch i turned it on with.
You'll get better answers from someone who has actually has this use case and has solved it, but I can say ...
One to Many is a user-written app that came to be to make this use case straight-forward to solve before Mirror existed. But now Mirror is a Hubitat built-in app. I would lean toward using the out of the box Mirror app if it does what you want it to do.
Some of the apps that solve particular use cases exist for those relatively new who are trying to avoid wading into Rule Machine. If that doesn't apply to you, then whether you use an app or just do an automation in RM is a function of how you like to organize things. Some people like groups of automations contained together with other automations that do similar things, like mirroring, or motion lighting, etc. Others prefer not to have so many different apps, but don't mind at all having dozens and dozens of rules in RM that do all sorts of different things. So that's a matter of preference.
I used automation but i created a loop which freaks the whole household out. Each switch in the room kept on turning on and off the other. It was pretty funny.