Migration help needed - C7 to a C8 Pro - ZigBee issues post migration

One last update, found out that there have been similar issues with only channel 20 for some reason on the C8 and Pro. So best is to just avoid that channel for the time being and everything should be fine.

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I wanted to provide one last update so that others that may be experiencing similar issues post-migration have something to reference.


  • My pre-migration environment was using Zigbee channel 20
  • Post migration, Zigbee devices were sending updates to the hub but the hub was unable to send updates/control devices


  • Changed the Zigbee network to a new channel (in my case 25)
  • Factory reset/paired all of my repeaters (most of my network had been in a non-functioning state for 3 days at this point)
  • Waited 2 days for battery powered devices to start sending updates back to the hub
  • After two days, any devices that hadn't reconnected and or hadn't started creating events were factory reset and paired

An additional issue that I experienced post migration was that Room Lighting rules that had Zigbee group messaging enabled were not functioning. To fix these I opened the rule and clicked Done.