Migration from Smarthings to Hubitat very painful and frustrating

Any ideas what more reliable similar replacements available instead of the Zooz ones? I could not find alternatives that includes Temp./Humidity/illuminance in a single sensor.

I apologize I'm not sure -- I don't use any devices like that. I just know from being around the community here that (at least) some of those Zooz 4-in-1s are bad players.

As I understand it, it boils down to how that device's security is handled on the 700-series ZW stack Hubitat uses (which is why these worked OK on the 500-series ST hub), and it's a SiLabs issue with that stack (out of Hubitat's control, unfortunately). Point of that was just to give you an idea of why those devices in particular have been a frustration for folks converting from ST.

Hopefully other community members here can suggest alternatives or confirm if Zooz has a more compatible version.

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The tuya zigbee ones are good. Those zooz will crush the mesh though as I pointed out. It's the s0 security implementation on them that cause so much chatter your mesh goes to shite.

Thank you, I'll look into these.
I now managed to pair finally one more Schlag lock but after pairing it - its either working in minutes delays or not responding at all - see below the logs since the pairing of the lock - any idea?

The problem with Schlage is that some run outdated firmware and there is no way to update it, that's the main reason they are not on the List of Compatible Devices. Many users have great experience with them, but some have very hard time. Having repeaters near the hub but within the reach of the lock that have beaming capabilities might help.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Changing Zigbee Channel

Can you remove all your 4-in-1's temporarily to see how well your mesh heals? (actually exclude them)

What firmware is it? (will be printed on back of the lock with your 2 perm user codes)

Again try removing the 4-in-1's and put a repeater as close to the lock as you can.

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Sorry guys for my delayed response, the forum here limiting the # of my daily replies to only 15 messages :frowning:
The lock ver. is 0.8.0.
I should have dedicated repeaters tomorrow and will update if things are getting better after adding them.

Oh, it's because the system doesn't "trust" you, yet. Your account is still new, but there is an easy fix to get past that. Join the Owners group and your trust level is updated instantly. Eventually, you'll gain a higher trust level as you read more posts and browse other threads.

To join the Owners group go to this page:



Working in IT I’m used to see “user stories” to create value streams etc. So, I thought I write my own “user story” about migration from Smartthings to Hubitat.

I’m writing this hoping it will find it’s way to someone at the developing team of Hubitat and for anyone else who might be interested to read about the switch from SmartThings (ST) Hubitat (HE).

I’ve been using ST for about 5 years and had about 130 devices (mix of Z-wave, Zigbee and some WiFi). I started with internal ST app to setup automations but soon found that it did not have the complexity I was looking for, so I moved to Webcore and have been using it ever since.

I have not been very active in forums or looking at news for the last years as everything was running smoothly so you can imagine my surprise when I received the mail from ST saying, “we will destroy everything you build in ST starting 15th of October” (at least they gave me a month heads-up!).

Once I stopped running around with my arms stretched over my head and the panic stopped, I ordered Z-wave and Zigbee dongles for my Raspberry PI 4 (RPi) and said to my self “well it’s time to move to Home Assistant (HA)”. Once I setup the RPi with HA and did my first simple automation. I soon realized I was not smart enough to do complex automations in HA (the fall was high, and landing was hard) as I’m not a developer or at least it would take A LOT of time to learn. With tears in my eyes googled the internet and found Hubitat, I had heard about this product but as my ST setup was running fine, I never explored it before.

As I was sitting at home clapping my hands like a child on Christmas wating for my HE to arrive and reading up on how to migrate from ST to HE, thinking to myself “this will be even better then ST” but unfortunately here is where it takes a turn for the worse.

Starting with the setup of HE, easy enough following the next, next finish all good so far. I then decided to move the HE from my DHCP range to a fixed IP. I changed the IP setting in HE and my router. After two days of troubleshooting and a couple software resets on HE I decided to let it have the initial IP and make that static (in the middle of my DHCP range), and said to my self “I will fix that later” don’t get me wrong, I have been working as an IT technician since 1995 so I know my way around IT stuff (hence my interest in smart home appliance) but I moved on.

Let’s migrate my devices, it will be fun they said! (or?), I hade no problems with Zigbee but Z-wave is a different story. I was used to ST where I could from anywhere in the house add/remove Z-wave devices. This is not the case with HE as I learned after a couple of hours of trying, but with a 10-meter TP-cable and some swearing I mange to get some Z-wave devices migrated, however some devices (mostly Fibaro) would not migrate. Tested to put them back in to ST and sure enough without any hassle it was back in ST. So, I bought a coupe of new Qubino devices to replace the “bad once”, but with them I hade to work an average of about 30 minutes each to get them installed. Still I was in a pretty good mood as this is a one time job (I thought) as I have NEVER lost a Z-wave device in ST, some times I had to reconnect Zigbee devices but never Z-wave…..until now. However, it’s been stable now for a couple of days “so cross my fingers”.

Ok so I got all my devices in to HE except Ring.com devices and a couple of other devices like some Ikea devices that I read a BS article about that it was not possible because bla bla bla…..but they worked flawless in ST (I wonder how that could be???) any how after spending a small fortune to replace “not working” devices it was time for Webcore migration.

Yet another article saying “hey is so easy and fun, just duplicate your pistons from ST to HE ” (made the name up as I don’t want to point any fingers) easy enough right! After duplicating almost all pistons HE became unresponsive, could not even get a “restore backup” on it. Again “Software reset” and restore!? Or not…. Now the database was corrupt. To make a long story short I ended up at “Starting with the setup” (see above) meaning I was back at square one minus IP problem as I skip that part this time.

One week later!

Now, I was considering that the HE was broken (still do) but I needed to narrow down the problem. I found that Webcore was the villain. It looks as you can’t just duplicate pistons with complexity to HE at least not what I experience. So, I had to rewrite everything in Webcore, at least I could use old automations as blueprints.

Finally, everything was in place and my life could go back to normal….mmm…no…not realy!!!

This is where phase 2 starts. I call it “Sometimes”

Sometimes aka random. This happens when I run automations in Webcore, sometimes it runs ok. Sometimes it runs ok and still dose not do what it’s told to do, even though it reports to have done it.

For example: I have a simple automation that turns on/off lights outside at different times. Turns on the lights in the afternoon 30 min to sunset, off at 01:30, on at 06:00 if not after sunrise and of again 30 past sunrises. Some days it runs flawlessly and sometimes it skips one or two triggers, but it doesn’t really skip the triggers it actuality skips the action of the trigger as I can see in the automation that it has triggered. It just thought it was not important to do the action this time around. Even the logs in HE says it has turned on/off lights and sometimes the device is “status” on or off even through is the opposite. This can be explained in some cases as it sometimes turns on lights with light level 0% without any reason but in this case it a switch without “level setting”. Should also mention that these are controlled by native device handlers (DH) from HE. I thought this could be a Webcore problem, so I then created rules in “Basic rules” same problem there! WT…!?

A workaround that I’m testing now is to crate automations with a setting “repeat loop” until condition is met, but this is something you don’t want to use unless you must as it can cause other problems.


Anyone who feels offended don't! You don’t have to stand up for HE, as most people probably did not experience any of these problems, these are MY conclusions. I’m not mad or angry at Hubitat it wasn’t they who put me in this situation it was Smartthings, but I won’t write what I think about them…. I still have a lot to learn about the Hubitat but as I’m stuck in “Sometimes” phase troubleshooting I don’t get around to the discovery phase.

Smartthings pros and cons

  • Super reliable

  • Easy to get started with simple automations

  • Easy to include devices

  • Set it and forget it

  • Its cloud based

  • Company is controlled by idiots

  • Is not useable anymore

Hubitat pros and cons

  • It’s locally based

  • Easy to get started with simple automations

  • It’s unreliable

  • Could not find any support except forums and HW support

  • Difficult to add Z-wave devices

  • Can “sometimes” take seconds for lights to turn on

  • No indication if a device is offline (or hub)

If I could have a which list to Hubitat it would be:

Have a native app to check devises on/offline status. This is crucial as many have heating systems and burglar alarms connected (me include) that can’t be offline. Yes I know there are apps that dose this but not to 100% and this should be native.

Native support for big brands like Nest, Ring, Arlo, etc.

A XXL optional Hubitat hardware with 10x radio signal and better....everything!

I would advise against immediately using third party apps upon migrating to any new platform. I think that thoughtful implementation of user supported apps is something best done after a stable environment is established. Just my opinion though.

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@Sudden Take a look at this and see if any applies to you

It's very reliable. Things get unreliable when dealing with certain 3rd party apps, bad devices, or ghosts. Can you post your z-wave details page in it's entirety?

Not at all. Put hub in pairing mode, put device in pairing mode (after excluding it from either the old hub or hubitat. Hubitat can do exclusions. An exclusion MUST be done regardless of the hub it's coming from)

support.hubitat.com will direct you to what ever support you need. It states as well to tag the support team and one will reach out and have a PM discussion if need be.

This is indicative of a weak mesh or ghosts

Several plug ins for that.

These are cloud based devices which Hubitat purposely has no interest in writing for. If there is no local API there is really no need. That is why they leave it up to the community to fill those gaps.

I have a 5500 sq ft house and no problems with signal on a standard hubitat. I also have strong z-wave and zigbee meshes


Thanks for the reply(s).

I will post an example of what I consider unreliable, the light is on but reports as off however the power is still reporting output. (see jpg) this is the 0x4A (074) it’s a double switch and one of the two is working ok.
I will also add my Z-wave list.
Even though I repair Z-wave device and receive confirmation that it was successful it still reports as “repair”

See my post above. Read the section about non-plus devices which that may be and what to do..

Looking at your z-wave table your mesh is a mess. No wonder it's unreliable. You have at least 5 ghosts that need rid of. (The ones without anything in the routing table with the discover buttons and even the ones with a routing button are incomplete pairings. You can try hitting discover but if it doesn't change it needs excluded and repaired) Nothing will run right until they're gone. Hit refresh on those lines until the remove button pops up and force remove them. You may have to power down the device the caused them in order to remove them. Again, if you haven't, read my linked post above.


Sounds exactly like my journey, landing at the end in Hubitat :slight_smile:
The migration process to Hubitat is not really "migration" but "scratch install" as you detailed. To add to that, the Hubitat radio is much more weaker than Smarthings - I think this is the key issue to many problems I faced.
On the bright side I can encourage you that after multiple re-installations and configurations, putting more money into Hubitat (Additional hub, repeaters and switching some sensors to newer ones), almost all things works at the end and the system is fast and working reliably now. It took ~3-4 weeks for 2 hubs to stabilize.
I still have one Kwikset lock in my garage door which still refuses to pair with any of the hubs but that is the only one left out for now (I'm thinking about adding another hub for the garage).
So bottom line is that it is a bumpy ride but at the end things would stabilize and work.
UI is a big downside on the Hubitat platform but thankfully I can continue using the ActionTiles one which I ported over from Smarthing - this one is no brainier and works well.


It's about the same. I also have a 5500 sqft house and have had no issues. I do have a strong zigbee and z-wave mesh and my hub is centrally located..

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Hi! My name is Hal. You are telling my story so I know I am in the right place. I've been coming to this community almost every day for over a year and I haven't had the urge to go back to SmartThings for a long time. Welcome! Keep coming back!