Migration C5->C8 pro zwave devices do not actuate

Hi all,

I recently decided to migrate to a new C-8 Pro (from C-5) and I believe I followed the migration guide properly. :sweat_smile:

I have many Zwave devices, including many motion switches(Jasco) that worked very well with the C-5. Immediately since completing the migration, I noticed that all my Zwave devices did not work properly. They seemed to only partially work, in particular they do not actuate anymore.

What I mean is that the devices seem to report successfully status and motion when triggered by a person walking by (for the motion detectors), but if I attempt to send a signal to turn them off/on (via the Hubitat portal) the switches do not physically interrupt/reconnect the electric circuits anymore.

How do I know my devices report motion correctly?
My webcore pistons that rely on motion react correctly and turn on/fade/change color of my Hues and Lifx lights correctly as expected.
For context, usually my light switches are always on and I have the pistons just interact with the light bulbs based on the motion detected by the switches, but twice a day I want to turn off and on all switches and this does not work any more.

What did I already try?

  • I tried to shutdown the C-8 pro, disconnect power for a minute and reconnect.
  • I tried to reset the entire migration from the C-5, by re-creating the cloud backup and reloading it on the C-8 pro
  • I checked the Zwave topology, and graph on the C-8 pro and they seem OK.
  • I checked the Zwave details on the C-8 pro and they differ from the C-8 pro in that many devices (the majority) show the ‘refresh’ and ‘repair’ buttons.
  • I tried to refresh and repair first one device then all of them and the repair consistently fails.

Any suggestions on what I should try next to solve this issue?

Thank you in advance! :pray:

Platform version
Hardware version: from C-5 to C-8 Pro

@eldee Sounds like you migrated some ghosts. Can you post your z-wave details page in its entirety? Use windows snip..

I tried, but apparent the community forum does not allow me to include links nor embed media items in my posts…

Join the owners group here Hubitat and you'll be able to.

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Joined now.
Attempting to repost the pictures :crossed_fingers:

So your z-wave table looks excellent. I'm assuming if you go to a device's page switches and what not work correctly and based on your original post your sensors are tripping.

If you create a rule in rule machine with the devices that aren't currently working in webcore does the rule work? If so I have to say it is likely a webcore issue. Are you using the original webcore or the built in one?

Thanks for checking the table.

I don’t think it is due to webcore. The reason I doubt that, is that if I go to the hubitat device page for any of those Jasco motion switches and issue manually (no piston) the “on” or “off” command, none of them actuate the switch.

To clarify, the motion part of the Jasco motion switch does indeed report correctly on the device page, I.e. if I move in front of it the status changes from inactive to active and after a while without motion it goes back to inactive.
The switch itself does not seem to be able to receive the commands though.

Note: if I followed the same steps on the C5 the switches correctly disconnected and reconnected power to the circuits.

I'm going to sound a bit bitter here perhaps, but, yeah, this is expected, because they didn't catch this early enough and now it's, well, too late and not important enough to address.
Reference Devices "migrated" but none work: C5 to C8-Pro

I wound up moving every device to a new virtual device, to keep the automations/references, deleting the old, creating (pairing) a new, and then moving the virtual to the new.
It's a serious PITA, but at the end, all was well.
I will say, the C8 Pro is quite a bit quicker. But it would be nice if Hubitat had a better migration strategy than "Promise what we know we can't deliver and force them to work around it."
Still, there's nothing better. Just bite the bullet and spend the two hours doing it.