Mi Connector and Xiaomi

Just tried completely removing the motion sensor from the mi gateway, mi connector and HE then re added to the mi gateway. The mi connector found it and set it up in HE but still no events being registered unfortunately:(

Here is my current log...

seems mi connector had device connected.

Can you go to mi connector web settings page to click the test button for app?

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Can someone tell me whether you can use the multi gateway 3 with mi connector? I got sent the wrong version. I wanted v2 but for sent v3. Are the ports closed with v3 or can it work? Thanks

If you are able to set the Developer options in the MI App, then possibly. But I don't think its possible with this version.

Anyone using the app with xiaomi air purifiers? If so are they working well?

Well I installed everything and seems to work fine. Caveat - if you have your xiaomis on a separate vlan I couldn't get the mi-connector on my test pi to connect to the xiaomi unless it was on the same vlan. It's too painful to try and sort it out so I'll probably just run the app on a separate pi zero on that vlan, unless there's a solution for that.

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I have the Purifier Pro and it's working fine

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Same as me. Update - do NOT use a pi zero to run the app, it will not work due to being ARM6.

Update 2: I had an old first gen beaglebone gifted to me a while ago, and got it working through that instead. The cheapest compatible pi available atm is the 3 model a

I have it all set up no hub as I'm only wanting to control my roborock vac.
Now i can see my vac on HE and i can see whats its doing in HE, but i can't use HE to control my vac.
Im guessing I've missed a simple step?

Or is it view only???

Does he have a HE driver on GitHub for the vac?
Guessing so, if you have the device in HE. If so, you should be able to control it.

So you've installed its hubitat driver? You should be able to issue commands from within the driver.

Otherwise you need to provide more info on what you've actually done.

yes HE driver installed, i can see if the vac is cleaning ect in HE but i cant issue commands to the vac from the driver
none of the controls in the driver seem to work.

What i can see

If i start cleaning using the xiaomi app i can see this

So there are commands in the driver but they don't work? So on/off doesn't work?

yes that correct the commands dont work.

on/off does not work none of the commands

Which driver are you using vacuums or vacuums2?

Vacuums2 driver

Have you tried with the other one? Otherwise I'm thinking your particular vac may not fully supported by the driver.

Your other option may be to reach out to the mi connector author on github?

One last question - I assume you are running mi connector on a pi/nas/linux machine and have extracted the token?

running on qnap nas and yes i have extracted the token