Meross Garage Door Opener - MSG200

Same for me, I get this when setting up and it asks me to add my one door:

Add Garage Door Status

Unable to add door: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'devName' on null object

And the logs: (UUID, username and key removed)

app:622024-03-08 09:53:39.758 PMdebugindex: 1, door:null

app:622024-03-08 09:53:35.784 PMinfodevice: [deviceType:msg100, devIconId:device039_un, onlineStatus:1, devName:Garage Door, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, uuid:, userDevIcon:, channels:[[:]], bindTime:1708118893,, iconType:1,, hardwareCapabilities:, subType:us, region:us, hdwareVersion:4.0.0]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.307 PMdebugmeross data:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.305 PMdebugmeross data: [[bindTime:1708118893, channels:[[:]], devIconId:device039_un, devName:Garage Door, deviceType:msg100,, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, hardwareCapabilities:, hdwareVersion:4.0.0, iconType:1, onlineStatus:1, region:us,, subType:us, userDevIcon:, uuid:]]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.301 PMdebugmeross data: [apiStatus:0, data:[[bindTime:1708118893, channels:[[:]], devIconId:device039_un, devName:Garage Door, deviceType:msg100,, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, hardwareCapabilities:, hdwareVersion:4.0.0, iconType:1, onlineStatus:1, region:us,, subType:us, userDevIcon:, uuid:]], info:Success, sysStatus:0, timestamp:1709952812]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.662 PMdebugkey:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.661 PMdebugtoken:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.658 PMdebugrespData:[{"apiStatus":0,"sysStatus":0,"info":"","timestamp":1709952811,"data":{"userid":"","email":"","key":"","token":"","domain":"","mqttDomain":"","mfaLockExpire":0}}:null]

@ckamps I really appreciate you trying to help on this. Do you have any additional thoughts or recommendations?

@ckamps, I just purchased a 100 as well and was hoping to get it working with hubitat. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.

I'm thinking I may just buy the MSG200 to get this working in my setup (lol).

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FYI: MSG200 is on sale for $33.99 for Mother's Day.

Hey @abhay1120 and @ckamps

I have added my new Meross MSG200 and it doesn't work even though it appeared to add correctly.

and the logs have this warning,...


Any suggestions?

I know absolutely nothing about this integration, but 5 seconds for "Garage Open/Close Time" seems awfully short -- in reality, that # is generally between 15-20"

And apologies if that ends up being a red herring here.

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