Meross Garage Door Opener - MSG200

Same for me, I get this when setting up and it asks me to add my one door:

Add Garage Door Status

Unable to add door: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'devName' on null object

And the logs: (UUID, username and key removed)

app:622024-03-08 09:53:39.758 PMdebugindex: 1, door:null

app:622024-03-08 09:53:35.784 PMinfodevice: [deviceType:msg100, devIconId:device039_un, onlineStatus:1, devName:Garage Door, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, uuid:, userDevIcon:, channels:[[:]], bindTime:1708118893,, iconType:1,, hardwareCapabilities:, subType:us, region:us, hdwareVersion:4.0.0]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.307 PMdebugmeross data:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.305 PMdebugmeross data: [[bindTime:1708118893, channels:[[:]], devIconId:device039_un, devName:Garage Door, deviceType:msg100,, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, hardwareCapabilities:, hdwareVersion:4.0.0, iconType:1, onlineStatus:1, region:us,, subType:us, userDevIcon:, uuid:]]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:31.301 PMdebugmeross data: [apiStatus:0, data:[[bindTime:1708118893, channels:[[:]], devIconId:device039_un, devName:Garage Door, deviceType:msg100,, fmwareVersion:4.2.12, hardwareCapabilities:, hdwareVersion:4.0.0, iconType:1, onlineStatus:1, region:us,, subType:us, userDevIcon:, uuid:]], info:Success, sysStatus:0, timestamp:1709952812]

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.662 PMdebugkey:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.661 PMdebugtoken:

app:622024-03-08 09:53:30.658 PMdebugrespData:[{"apiStatus":0,"sysStatus":0,"info":"","timestamp":1709952811,"data":{"userid":"","email":"","key":"","token":"","domain":"","mqttDomain":"","mfaLockExpire":0}}:null]

@ckamps I really appreciate you trying to help on this. Do you have any additional thoughts or recommendations?

@ckamps, I just purchased a 100 as well and was hoping to get it working with hubitat. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.

I'm thinking I may just buy the MSG200 to get this working in my setup (lol).

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FYI: MSG200 is on sale for $33.99 for Mother's Day.

Hey @abhay1120 and @ckamps

I have added my new Meross MSG200 and it doesn't work even though it appeared to add correctly.

and the logs have this warning,...


Any suggestions?

I know absolutely nothing about this integration, but 5 seconds for "Garage Open/Close Time" seems awfully short -- in reality, that # is generally between 15-20"

And apologies if that ends up being a red herring here.

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Hi Kevin, did you ever get the 100 to work with the app and driver from ckamps? I have a 100 too, but if there's no straightforward way to make it work, I'll probably get one of these Zigbee 3.0 home automation relay switch, DIN rail compatible . Kind regards, Gunnar

I got it to work, but not with this app. I used the original Merross driver and captured the required parameter using HTTP Catcher. Not really straight forward but it’s working now.

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Where do you change the polling?

Hi Kevin, really appreciate all of your contributions to this thread! I've been following for a while trying to get my 100 to work as well but continue to be stuck. Is there any way you could provide a little more color on how you were able to get things going? Even just a link to the "original" Meross driver that you ultimately used would help to set me in the right direction.



I am using the following driver.

hubitat-meross/drivers/meross-smart-wifi-garage-door-opener.groovy at main · ckamps/hubitat-meross · GitHub

In order to capture the required configuration parameters, I followed the steps on this site.

Local Control · bwp91/homebridge-meross Wiki · GitHub

After installing the HTTP Catcher app on my iPhone, I started it and then went into the Meross app and opened/closed the garage door, which results in the various messageID, keys, timestamp, etc getting logged in the HTTP Catcher app. I then copied/pasted the required values from the HTTP Catcher app into the Hubitat device settings for the Meross Door (which I previously manually added to my Hubitat config). Once all the configuration variables were configured, the door eventually started working from within Hubitat. I did set the setup aside for a coupld days after configuring eveything due to other work committments......but when I came back and checked, I was able to open/close the door from within Hubitat. I seem to recall that my immediate testing of the setup didn't work, so not sure if there is some sort of lag or delay required. It''s been months ago now and I don't remember the specifics :-(.

Hope this helps

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Thank you so much, I'll give this a shot!

I get this when I try to configure the app:
I can see my one door, select it but when I hit next this is the error, any thoughts? its a 100 series unit.

Add Garage Door Status

Unable to add door: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'devName' on null object

Did anyone found a solution for the following errors?:

Add Garage Door Status

Unable to add door: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'devName' on null object

I cant pass from there...

Hi! I had this same problem, were you able to solve it?

Hi, I've forked ckamps code but made it work by ignoring the channels as they don't seem to exist for msg100 controller. It will only work if you have 1 door though. It should resolve the devName issue some people have been having.

Repo is here and I've requested a PR with ckamps here

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I got an error when using your modified app. You were missing a "}" at the end of step4, in case you'd like to update that.

Nonetheless, after that fix, I was able to proceed with getting the device added finally, but the installed device didn't fill in all the required fields, Some just said N/A. I was able to find the necessary info using the HTTP Catcher app as @kevin9 suggested. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to control the MSG100. The error logs return "Target Server Failed to Respond".

Does anyone else have any suggestions on what to try next?

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Ok, maybe I jumped the gun a little. So just to double-check myself, I used the HTTP Catcher app again and noticed that the MessageID, Timestamp, and Sign Key all had changed. After updating, everything is now working properly.

So if you're still having problems, maybe double-check that and see if it helps.

Thanks everyone for your efforts in getting this working in hubitat.

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Thanks I've updated the code.