Mercator Ikuu

Yes it is very clear, but that doesn't mean it is correct.
If they are compliant Zigbee products, as Mercator claims, then they will need a compliant hub but it will not need to be a Mercator product and they will pair with HE,

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Do they pair at all? A Zigbee device with a fingerprint unknown to the hub will pair as "Device". If that happens, then it's just a matter of coming up with the right driver for it. Sometimes a device will pair this way that would actually work with one of the built-in drivers, but for the fingerprint. Usually, picking the most obvious Generic Zigbee driver will work -- it is essential to hit Configure on the device page when you change the driver.

If they don't pair at all, odds are they are not truly Zigbee HA compliant. If they do pair as "Device", then you can get the fingerprint from the device page, and we may be able to make a driver work for it.


Bad news…

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Many thanks for clarifying.
Thats very disappointing and rules them out for me.

The Ikuu website states “Most Mercator Ikuü Zigbee products are Zigbee 3.0 compliant”. I’ve had a look at the light switch and dimmer switch that I’m interested in and they specify that they are Zigbee 3 compliant.

Now, I may have misunderstood this, but I thought that anything that is compliant with the Zigbee standards would be able to be paired with open hubs, such as HE, since they are then using standard clusters. Would you be able to offer an insight here @bravenel?

The Zigbee Alliance doesn’t have any Ikuu devices listed other than the hub. Same with Mercator devices - largely missing!?

Would seem the 3.0 claim is largely marketing???

Bugger. That’s very disappointing to hear.

I wonder if @saxnix has received the ones he ordered yet

Very disappointing if these zigbee items don't work, specially given the zigbee marketing

Yes, received them yesterday, and unfortunately, I am not having any luck getting the bulb to be found during pairing.

Which bulb did you get? Just wondering if the product specs for it says that it is Zigbee 3.0 compliant.

Classic Colour Globe (B22) x 1
GU10 Colour Globe x 1
GU10 Globe x 1
Quad Switch x 1

All packaging says Zigbee 3.0 compliant

Confusingly, I got this reply after I asked why ZB3.0 marked devices don’t work with hubs and got this reply…

So should that mean they should be backward compatible and should connect?

I will try the GU10 bulbs this weekend and see if I have any luck with them being discovered.

So a dummies question can I tell if a device that has joined is my bulb, or one of my other zigbee devices that I hadn't joined?

Bear with me here - and be kind :slight_smile:
Yesterday when this device was found, hubitat informed me that it was a Xiomi zigbee device. I didn't think that was correct as non of my xiomi devices were in pairing mode. I tried setting a generic zigbee bulb driver, but after selecting configure, not information in the relevant section was populated. I tried resetting the bulb (on/off 3 times) several times and it wasn't playing nice. Tried again just now, and found it as a previously joined device. If I haven't put anything else in pairing mode, how certain can I be that this is actually the ikuu bulb?

Suggestions on what to do. Happy to test.

Get to this page and post the screenshot

The device fingerprint should be the key thing that uniquely identifies the bulb

Specifically... this information

Wasn't exactly what I was hoping for... odd that it hasn't reported its fingerprint, but maybe we need to dig a bit deeper.

This is what I'd do...

Install this custom driver

Then change the driver for the device to that custom driver "Zigbee - Generic Device Toolbox"

Next enable debugs and open the Logs window on another tab so you can switch between them.

Next press the Get Info button on the Device Config page and then post back the results from the Log screen that corresponds with that Get Info button being pressed

I get this result from one of my devices in the log...

dev:2192021-05-07 11:41:55.941 am infoCOPY AND PASTE THIS ROW TO THE DEVELOPER: fingerprint model:"LXN56-1S27LX1.2", manufacturer:"3A Smart Home DE", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000", outClusters:"1000", application:"00"
dev:2192021-05-07 11:41:55.935 am traceApplication: 00
dev:2192021-05-07 11:41:55.931 am traceModel: LXN56-1S27LX1.2
dev:2192021-05-07 11:41:55.926 am traceManufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
dev:2192021-05-07 11:41:55.903 am debugGetting info for Zigbee device...

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.936 pm infoINCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:"null", manufacturer:"null", profileId:"A1E0", endpointId:"F2", inClusters:"", outClusters:"0021", application:"52"

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.934 pm traceApplication: 52

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.929 pm traceModel: null

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.926 pm traceManufacturer: null

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.922 pm warnManufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint. Try again.

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.918 pm debugGetting info for Zigbee device...

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.898 pm debugd=[nwkAddrOfInterest:C640, endpointId:F2, profileId:A1E0, applicationDevice:0061, applicationVersion:00, inClusters:, outClusters:0021], ll=10, icn=0, ocn=1

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.869 pm traceSimple Descriptor Information Received - description:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 C640 00 00 0000 00 00 5D0040C60AF2E0A161000000012100 | parseMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 C640 00 00 0000 00 00 5D0040C60AF2E0A161000000012100, profileId:0000, clusterId:8004, clusterInt:32772, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:C640, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[5D, 00, 40, C6, 0A, F2, E0, A1, 61, 00, 00, 00, 01, 21, 00]]

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.833 pm infoUnhandled Event IGNORE THIS - description:catchall: A1E0 0000 F2 01 0040 00 C640 00 00 0000 01 01 040086 | msgMap:[raw:catchall: A1E0 0000 F2 01 0040 00 C640 00 00 0000 01 01 040086, profileId:A1E0, clusterId:0000, clusterInt:0, sourceEndpoint:F2, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:C640, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:01, direction:01, data:[04, 00, 86]]

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.785 pm infoINCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:"null", manufacturer:"null", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"F2", inClusters:"null", outClusters:"null", application:"52"

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.778 pm debugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw C640 0 0 0x0004 {00 40C6 F2} {0x0000}])

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.776 pm warnOne or multiple pieces of data needed for the fingerprint is missing, requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint.

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.773 pm traceApplication: 52

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.771 pm traceModel: null

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.763 pm traceManufacturer: null

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.759 pm debugsendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xC640 1 0xF2 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00}, delay 2000])

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.753 pm warnManufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint, requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint.

dev:10982021-05-07 12:15:04.749 pm debugGetting info for Zigbee device...

dev:10982021-05-07 12:14:57.548 pm traceApplication ID Received

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---