MCOHOME - CO2 Sensor Z-Wave+ MH9-CO2 in need of driver

Es sollte tatsächlich so sein, dass mit dem Associationsbefehl der Thermostat von Eurotronic die Temperatur von dem Sensor bekommen muss. Ich bin gerade beim Testen. Der Thermostat sendet die Werte auf jeden Fall, der Thermostat möchte sie, aber, nicht nehmen...obwohl in der Eistellung richtiger Wert steht (Parameter 8, Wert 0x80 "temperatur wird extern bereitgestellt")
Auf jeden Fall funktioniert es teilweise, wenn Verschlüsselung S0 bei Verbindung gewählt ist. S2 - da gibt es ein Problem, was ich nicht lösen kann.

I have the MCOHome MH9 Z Wave Sensor installed in my lounge and have it connected to Hubitat

I am using matt_k 's MH9 driver and it seems to be working - sort off
I am getting correct readings but only when I manually hit the refresh but on the device driver page.

The log:

If I turn on debug and description logging I can see the values without a problem. I am assuming the issue is because of the error that is being generated in the log but I am not clever enough to interpret what it means.

The Events Screen:

My Settings:

Adjusting the settings seems to make no difference

Can anyone shed some light on what is wrong or I am doing wrong


On line 223 you could try changing

if (cmd.firmwareVersion) {


if (cmd?.firmwareVersion) {

Should eliminate that error but you will get a warning on line 229 that your firmware is lower than 1.10 (you’re showing 0.0)

Thanks for that.

I have no idea why the firmware is showing 0.0

Tried factory reset and re-adding it without success

It's so frustrating as it's giving readings when I refresh so it's so 99% working.

I have tried to alter the code to fool the version number but I don't know enough to make it work.

Is there an easy place to alter the code and try that!

Assuming there isn’t any version dependent code other than what is in that method could always just insert

state.fw = 99.9 //temporary fix since cmd.firmwareVersion is invalid

before line 223

In the end, I commented out lines 220 to 231 which I believe stopped the version check

and altered line 97 to set the firmware to 1.2

no idea what I am doing but it stopped the error, Having said that it still doesn't update properly.

I can force an update with a WebCore Device Refresh so I will do that for now until this sensor becomes more widespread and someone with more knowledge can figure it out or I have more time to dig deeper.


Are you using the MCO Home CO2 sensor on a US or European version of the Hubitat?

European. I have it working reliably but the driver still won't refresh the value automatically so I wrote a WebCore Piston which refreshed the reading every 10 minutes and that works just fine.