Matter Consciot RGBTW

Can you tell me how you came to that conclusion? I'm not questioning the conclusion; I would just like to learn.

Thanks again! I really appreciate your help.

This has been discussed in the Beta group.

In the WebCoRE pistons is there a way to specify the setLevel transition time? ( I haven't used it in the past 2 years, except for the Graphs...)

If yes, set it to zero.

Yes, it does.

So, I had a really interesting thing happen yesterday. Echo dropped several of the bulbs. I don't know why. But I could still control them from HE! As an experiment, I deleted another bulb that hadn't dropped. I could still control it from HE.

Now, I need to see how chatty these things are when a bulb is only on HE and not on Echo. I can share from HE to Echo for voice commands, but I am suspecting that this will be much easier and hopefully won't fill my queue and freeze my hub.

I'm hadn't really though about this. But my assumption is that item joined through the other device are still on the network. My original assumption was that they were talking to an Echo device and then the network.

Live and learn.

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This is how Matter should work.
Once commissioned, the Matter devices will still work with all Matter controllers

  • if the bulb uses WiFi, the communication is direct to the HE hub
  • if the bulb uses Thread, the communication should be switched to another TBR of the same Thread Network ( another Echo device w/ Thread radio as example).

This allows us to build what I call 'High Availability' Matter automation.

The chattiness should not depend on how many Matter Controllers you have the device paired to.

It depends on how the manufacturer (I mean the company that developed/engineered the product) has interpreted and implemented the Matter standards.

Is Leedarson a white label of a Chinese manufacturer?
Update: yes, it is.
The chatty behavior is typical for IoT products designed in China, like Tuya, 'Third Reality,' etc.

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Yes and no. Remember we were seeing double reports from the bulbs before. I'll do some more testing this weekend, but it appears that, that is no longer happening which (in an odd way) makes sense.

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