Did you download from Hubitat Package Manager? I downloaded it two days ago with no issue. You may have to try it a couple times I am not sure.
@kkossev please see above. Do you have any pointers or suggestions?
Did you download from Hubitat Package Manager? I downloaded it two days ago with no issue. You may have to try it a couple times I am not sure.
@kkossev please see above. Do you have any pointers or suggestions?
Please check the installation instructions here :
If the error persists, reboot your hub and try installing the bundle again.
Thanks, I appreciate it. It took a couple of tries but it downloaded. I installed it, but I am still doing something wrong, the curtain device does not populate. They do populate in Alexa, but I get 0 device count in Hubitat.
Show raw names
Device Count | 0 |
Endpoints Count | 0 |
Health Status | online |
Initialize Ctr | 2 |
Rtt | 701 |
Status | clear |
When you click on the ‘Discover All’ button, do you see any error or warning messages in the live logs?
I think that as a minimum, the package should discover the SwitchBot Hub2 integrated temperature and humidity sensors.
When you click on the Ping command button, do you see the RTT (round-trip-time) number updated?
I haven't tried the curtain bot yet. I get it today. I know the blind tilt comes in. When I get the curtain bot I will try it and let you know.
Did you go into the hub on the Switchbot app and exposed the curtain device to matter?
If not choose the hub in the app. Choose settings. Then matter setup. Then click on the devices portion inside there and add the curtain device to matter.
Then go into the hub in HE and click Discover All and it should bring it in.
I have put in a couple screenshots but I am not home so I couldn't do the entire process.
Thank you yes
They show up in Alexa:
I can wait on this and use them via Alexa until they have official support. It would just be nice to add them to ny sunrise, sunset commands. I appreciate everyone's help. BTW, I tried it bot with and without the climat devices added to matter. again thanks all.
I am not sure the issue. I just got home and put my two SwitchBot Curtain 3 units into the SwitchBot app and included them through secondary devices in the matter setup. I went back into my SwitchBot hub that I had already brought into HE via matter and hit "Discover All". I let it run about 30 seconds till the notes on the left said it was finished. It takes longer than the configure does in Generic Matter Bridge that is native Hubitat. I clicked on device list and the curtain until and temp and humidity which I also included was in my HE device list. I can operate the curtain from the device page along with automations.
I have included screenshot of my pages so you can compare to what you see. Also, the third screenshot is showing the driver that was automatically populated in curtain device field.
We will get you figured out and up and running. It will just take time. If you are clicking "Discover All" and not waiting about 30 seconds before you go to the device list try that.
dev:12052024-12-24 04:04:23.404 PM
Switchbot hub clearing the Status event
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.422 PM
Switchbot hub checkHealthStatusForOffline: online (checkCtr3=0) offlineCtr=0
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.420 PM
Switchbot hub checkHealthStatusForOffline: healthStstus = online checkCtr3=0
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.380 PM
Switchbot hub timeout!
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.378 PM
Switchbot hub no response received (sleepy device or offline?) checkCtr3 = 0 offlineCtr = 0
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:43.237 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll(): unknown statePar:undefined !
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:43.235 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll()
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.538 PM
Switchbot hub deviceHealthCheck is scheduled every 15 minutes
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.497 PM
scheduling health check every 15 minutes by Periodic polling method
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.475 PM
Switchbot hub debug logging is: true description logging is: true
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.473 PM
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.471 PM
Switchbot hub getSubscribeCmdList(): stateSubscriptionsList =
dev:12052024-12-24 04:02:28.436 PM
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:55.020 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll(): unknown statePar:undefined !
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:55.018 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll()
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:50.935 PM
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_kkossev_Matter_Advanced_Bridge_1508.reSubscribe() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [undefined]
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:45.003 PM
Switchbot hub refresh(): cmdsList is null or empty!
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:45.001 PM
Switchbot hub getSubscribeCmdList(): stateSubscriptionsList =
dev:12052024-12-24 04:11:44.967 PM
Switchbot hub refresh() ...
dev:12052024-12-24 04:09:08.103 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll(): unknown statePar:undefined !
dev:12052024-12-24 04:09:08.101 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll()
dev:12052024-12-24 04:07:27.882 PM
Switchbot hub clearing the Status event
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:27.918 PM
Switchbot hub Switchbot hub Round-trip time is 1088 ms (min=172 max=4513 average=879 (HE uptime: 0d, 0h, 23m, 34s)
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:27.910 PM
Switchbot hub parse: descMap:[endpoint:00, cluster:0028, attrId:0000, value:01, clusterInt:40, attrInt:0] description:read attr - endpoint: 00, cluster: 0028, attrId: 0000, value: 0401
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:27.842 PM
Switchbot hub completed
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:27.840 PM
Switchbot hub checkSubscription(): completed.
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:26.861 PM
Switchbot hub ping...
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:26.858 PM
Switchbot hub sendToDevice (String): (he rattrs [{"ep":"0x00","cluster":"0x0028","attr":"0x0000"}])
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:20.669 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll(): unknown statePar:undefined !
dev:12052024-12-24 04:06:20.666 PM
Switchbot hub _DiscoverAll()
dev:12052024-12-24 04:04:23.404 PM
Switchbot hub clearing the Status event
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.422 PM
Switchbot hub checkHealthStatusForOffline: online (checkCtr3=0) offlineCtr=0
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.420 PM
Switchbot hub checkHealthStatusForOffline: healthStstus = online checkCtr3=0
dev:12052024-12-24 04:03:23.380 PM
0ne last question. What dod you use to provision mayter. I used Alexa.
I used Alexa as well. Hopefully Krassimir or someone can see something in the logs. I am not good with that. Still learning a lot of this.
There seems to be a communication problem between the Switchbot Hub2 and your HE hub... If you go to Settings -> Matter page, do you see a green check mark against the Switchbot Hub2 device, or is there a red cross? Do you have any other Matter devices successfully paired and working with your HE hub?
Thank you all for your responses. I am just going to use the devices through Alexa for now. I read the matter development thread in homeseer, and it mentioned the router needs to have ipv6 turned on, so I turned it on on my eero, thinking it was my problem.
I do appreciate the help, but I can just continue to use Alexa to schedule sunset/sunrise events.
Just a quick note - there was a problem in the previous HE platform versions with some of the custom Commands - it was fixed in the latest version So, updating the HE hub will resolve the errors seen in the logs.
Thanks. Device count now 4. The sensors work foawlessly. At first, I had to issue the open or close command twice and they would then respond, but they work better now.
Thank you for all your help.
I have been experiencing having to hit the open and close command twice on occasion. Do you have them associated in any automations yet and if so are they working correctly? I do not at this time.
Going to add automations today. My problem is that I am running 3 different systems, homeseer, hubitat, and Alexa. Each with different capabilities and I keep forgetting which system I set up which automations in. I also have Tuya devices, which I control through homeseer. Alexa is fine for voice control and simple automations
But matter is working for me now through hubitat. I thought the issue was with my eero. i maybe way off, but for me it seemed like matter via hubitat was trying to find a route the first few time I tried it, because now response is instantaneous between hubitat abd switchbot devices over matter. Really nice implementation. Thanks all .
I do the same with Alexa and Hubitat and had the same problem if keeping things straight. So I switched to using Alexa for announcements in rules and certain devices such as my door bell button that won't implement into Hubitat. Then however I create a virtual switch in Hubitat and link it to Alexa. The Alexa routine triggers the virtual switch and then kicks off the rule in Hubitat. Hubitat does the heavy lifting. This way when I need to update a rule the updates all take place in Hubitat.
As for the delay there is like a second or two delay when I hit open or close before the blind tilts activate. The Switchbot Hub status light will blink immediately but then there is the small delay. Based off this I assumed it was a delay on the Switchbot side.
Yes. If you connect and operate the blinds without Matter there is a delayed response. The Switchbot hub is part of that 'extra' delay. Bluetooth is probably a larger part.
It is connected via matter to Hubitat. When I hit the button in HE the light on the Switch it hub blinks almost immediately. Then there is a couple second delay before activation.
The devices themselves connect to the hub via Bluetooth, correct? I didn't think there was a way to connect the individual devices anyway different.