Market for High power ZIgbee Routers

Maybe I missed it, but couldn't figure out - what contact sensors?

Sonoff SNZB04. They don’t seem to be as fast as my Samsung, or Iris contact sensors, but they were $6.95 each and have been trouble free for about 5 months now. I’m using them on bathroom and shower doors to keep lights from shutting off, turning on exhaust fan, etc.

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There’s an update available for the Sonoff routers. It mentions a fix for xiaomi devices (I don’t have any personally) for anyone interested. I installed it on 2 of my routers without issue and will update here if anything good or bad happens.


I’ve updated the rest of my Sonoff repeaters as of a week ago without incident. I haven’t seen any identifiable difference, but I had zero issues before the update, so maintaining the status quo is good.


Looks like Aeotec has a Zigbee Extender hitting the market.

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I got a couple back when they first came out to help bridge stuff between my house and detached garage - they route well.

A plug or some other mains-powered ZB device would likely work just as well in my case, but both spots happened to be high-mounted outlets that weren't useful for much else, so I figured I'd give the Zi a shot. No regrets.

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