Maker API

Maker API allows external HTTP GET (browser URL) access and control to your authorized devices.

For example, you can get the status of a device in a JSON object or send a command to a device (and get a response of the device back in JSON)

The reason it is called "Maker API" is it is specifically targeted to the maker community that needs simple URL based local access to specific devices.

If you are not a Maker or Developer it probably has very little use to you unless you want browser URL based control of a specific device.

The app itself has several examples of how to use it.



Is there a chance you would add arrived and departed as working commands?

Yes. They are in the next update.

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Lordy, just found this thread. Sooo happy i am on HE.

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I'm getting the following error with trying to user the cloud end point.

{"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}

I'm using the "token" from the Maker API URL samples.

Without more information, the only thought is did you put access_token= at the end of your request? This error is typically syntax related. If you want to PM me the url I can take a look at it.

Or you can wait for the next release and we will have cloud and local endpoints in the app for you to use.

Ok first time I was being stupid and I forgot the HubID.... now I'm getting an Internal server Error:<HUB_ID>/apps/api/254/devices/338/on?access_token=

/api/ in twice ?

Yup. Now I get a "forbidden"....

which extra /api/ did you remove? Hopefully the second one.

Ok fixed...

api was left in the wrong position...

Guys make this simpler with the URL in the Maker API page :slight_smile:

Uh.. post 21 ?

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Yeah that's where I copied the beginning's of the URL from to start with... kinda hokey-pokey of copying a part of a url from a forum post then adding to that a piece from the Maker API screen then having to go back and double check and clean up.

Could be simpler of having the "Example" URL in the Maker API page like it is for the Device Info and Command Send URL

You gotta read the whole post! :smile:

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Or you could update the Wiki?

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You mean this link Hubitat™ Maker API - Hubitat Documentation ?


I guess my network provider must have cached a previous blank page a few minutes back.... :wink:

Well done guys..

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Now it's updated and documented for all :slight_smile:

Yeah yours and mine but I still have the original page up so I did do a double-take... so I know it was updated but Patrick is smooth like that :wink:

The Documentation Wiki index link points a different page than the one @patrick linked above. Should be an easy fix for @Pete or @patrick.