Make your own Z-Wave device

Can't find the device you are looking for? .. Make it..


Hardware specification:

  • 28 kB Flash memory for your sketches
  • 2 kB RAM available
  • Z-Wave RF transmitter at 9.6/40/100 kbps
  • 26 GPIO (overlaps with special hardware controllers)
  • 4 ADC
  • 5 PWM
  • 2 UART
  • 1 USB (serial port)
  • 16 kB EEPROM
  • 1 SPI (master or slave)
  • 4 IR controllers, 1 IR learn capability
  • 1 TRIAC/ZEROX to control dimmer
  • 3 Interrupts
  • 1 Timer 4 MHz
  • I2C (software)
  • 1-Wire (software)
  • 8x6 Keypad Scanner (software)
  • 2 service LED, 1 service button
  • 1 user test LED

And a $70 price tag... :flushed:


But you can build anything.. with a simple arduino ide and abstracted z-wave.


Understood. This could make a nice alternative to Konnected, for someone that really wants a Z-Wave solution instead of WiFi. It would probably require a custom Parent Device Driver, to handle multiple endpoints, correct?

I always wanted to play around with one of these Z-Uno boards, but the price was always a bit of a turn-off... And now that I've eliminated Z-Wave from my house, I am even less drawn to this solution. :wink:

For those who are not averse to WiFi, a $10 NodeMCU ESP32 is a pretty compelling alternative, and is already integrated with Hubitat via HubDuino. :sunglasses:


Correct.. Which is why I posted this in the Developers category..

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Nice but that price :rofl:

I love z-wave but not that much

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I bought one a year ago and STILL haven't managed to find the motivation to take on a Project. I really love the idea of it, love ZWave enough to want to use this, but not enough to let it get to the top of the To-Do List.

I also bought a pair of the NodeMCUs about a year ago also. I flashed one and confirmed HubDuino worked exactly as advertised. :smiley: It's sitting right next to the z-uno in my Things-To-Do box. :smiley:

What I really NEED is a project that inspires and demands I get to work :smiley:


We are waiting for a fully functional z-uno controlling a NodeMCU controlling a lamp from ST Via Hubconnect. Now get to work!


Rube Goldburg

I like it LOL :slight_smile:

The LoRa devices I have been making are considerably cheaper (if you discount the LoRa gateway you need to make them work - which is a non-trivial cost... lol).

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Well, if ya have the soldering and connectivity skills the module version is only $25.

EDIT: Looking through the pin-out on it real fast, it wouldn't be hard. Luckily it already has the saw filter onboard for the antenna connection.

Well, it wouldn't be hard if you have the skills to connect it to a PCB reliably. I suck at SMD prototyping - too small for my mediocre soldering skills.

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Can this be used to make a Z-Wave Long Range device?

No.. sadly it's a 500 series chip.

I figured that would probably be the case... I wonder how many people it would take to convince them to come out with a 700 series model... :thinking:

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How about a Zigbee device. I've been using the firmware at PTVO on a TI CC2530 board purchased on ebay CC2530 board. This one was $5 but I've seen the a few dollars higher as well. The only issue folks might have is soldering to the 0.050 pitch contacts.
So far I've put together:

  • digital input
  • BME280 Input
  • digital outputs
  • Analog inputs

I have information on how to program this board using a NodeMCU (see Haas Thingshield thread). I have designed a small carrier board with some filtering for Analog input, 5V to 3.3V and some leds. See further down in the above Haas link.
If anyone is interested I can provide more information..


bcopeland what drivers did you use to get the zuno included in the Hubitat network?

That depends on what you make with it

I have a z-uno with a capacitive soil sensor. It works fine with the Z-way hub but I would like to include it in my hubitat instead. Should be simple, but I don't know how to do it.

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