Make one dimmer equal to another dimmer that isn't a trigger

So I want a rule machine rule that sets a dimmer level automatically to the level of another dimmer (virtual). So instead of the light turning off when it turns off, it is automatically set to the level of a virtual dimmer. (This is all setup and working except it sets to a fixed value)

So far everything is set up to use rule machine to control the lights, however I need a mode that will automatically keep the lights at 15% when a switch is on instead of turning off (pet requires light at night when in that room). So far I have it set up to set the dimmer to 15% automatically but I want to be able to change that by just changing the virtual dimmer to the level I want. (I have a global variable set as a dimmer) can someone please help me to accomplish this?
P.s. coronavirus.

Use Blue Iris. That should solve your problem.

Would you care to explain your solution? As it doesn't appear blue Iris has any inbuilt feature for dimmers or smart devices in it's native functions?

Yes they both support webhooks as a method of bypassing Blueiris default lack of compatibility with smart devices. Please explain the relevance of this.


What is turning the lights off? That automation would have to be changed to turn the lights to 15% instead of turning them off.

As an alternative, you can have a rule like this:

Trigger:  Light Turning off

IF Virtual Switch is on THEN
     Dim Light to 15%

The light will turn off briefly, but it won't matter how you turn the light off, button controller, physical switch, motion lighting, the light will come back on.

How do I make that 15% not 15 % specifically but just the percentage of another dimmer that is virtual and a variable with a connector.

Bearing in mind that the dimmer isn't a trigger...

U know, here's what I got. Maybe you'll get what I'm trying to do because I'm s**t at explaining things

IF (living room motion 1, Living room motion 2 any active(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) [TRUE]) THEN
On: Living room
IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) AND
Chinchilla protocol(on) is on(T) [TRUE]) THEN
Dim: Living room: 20 --> fade: 0 --> delayed: 0:05:00 (cancelable)
IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) AND
Chinchilla protocol(on) is off(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Off: Living room --> delayed: 0:05:00 (cancelable)

That is still going to turn the lights off every time because you have a separate IF statement at the bottom of the action. I think it would be easier if you broke it out into a separate rule.

also, when you type out your rule, click on the </> icon at teh top. That will let you format it the way you want.

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Unless I have chinchilla protocol on. In which case it keeps them at 15%. How do I make that 15% whatever a virtual bulb is?

But that is not what is going to happen.

You have one IF THEN at the top for motion.....then you have a separate If THEN at the bottom for the two virtual switches. That means, if motion is active, after 5 minutes the lights will turn off. Even if motion is still active.

I'm really just focused on the making one dimmer equal another dimmer, I'm sure I screwed that up doing it on my phone, but it seems to be working fine right now

Also idk if u saw the else, but I'm pretty sure the rest only runs if their isn't anything active.

IF (living room motion 1, Living room motion 2 any active(F) [FALSE]) THEN
     Cancel Delayed Actions
     IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) [TRUE]) THEN
          On: Living room
     IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) AND  Chinchilla protocol(on) is on(T) [TRUE]) THEN
          Dim: Living room: 20 --> fade: 0 --> delayed: 0:05:00 (cancelable)
     IF (Living room auto lighting(on) is on(T) AND Chinchilla protocol(on) is off(F) [FALSE]) THEN
          Off: Living room --> delayed: 0:05:00 (cancelable)

You're missing an END-IF at the end of your rule, that's why it didn't look right to me until I broke it all out.

Yes, this will work, but what happens if you turn the lights off manually? Or turn all your lights off when you go to bed? That is why you would have to work this logic into EVERYWHERE you touch that light. Unless you put in an overarching rule that turned it back on, like i suggested.

I actually only have dimmers built into hue that have a setting to go to a particular brightness on the phillips hue unit if the dimmer is pressed. But if I didn't I would have to worry about that yes. However it functions fine now so my only concern is a way to make it take the same brightness of a particular virtual bulb that I can use to set the lights brightness when "off"

So my question is how to make rule in rule machine that makes a dimmer the same brightness as another dimmer. So instead of set to 15 it's set to "virtual dimmer for chinchilla mode" and whatever I put the virtual dimmer at is the brightness when "off"

However as it is, it functions fine. I'm not sure why it would matter, you don't need to end every IF statement the hubitat doesn't care.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to do so I can't help you. Maybe someone else can. Good luck.

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