Lutron RRA2 HVAC Ghost

Something in Hubitat is setting my Lutron RRA2 HVAC to 74 degrees. Hubitat's Logs do not appear to reveal the culprit.

What is the difference between coolingSetpoint and thermostatSetpoint?


Dashboard tiles appear to display the coolingSetPoint but Lutron is using the thermostatSetpoint:


Also, if I set Mode = off, the thermostatSetpoint becomes 79:


and then set Mode = auto (or cool), thermostatSetpoint stays at 79 but the Lutron app says 74.

I do not have any HVAC schedules in Lutron and am not using eco mode.

I would be interested to know as well... Hubitat's documentation on it is strange:

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 9.34.45 AM

It also appears as part of "capability Thermostat" but I haven't found a definition. It could be that specific thermostats report it.. reporting what value is actually set, since heating and cooling setpoints are dependent on mode. If the thermostat is in cooling mode, then the cooling setpoint would be the one in use, and "thermostatSetpoint" might reflect that. However, for thermostats that do not have automatic cooling/heating switchover, "thermostatSetpoint" simply doesn't exist.

I have found that Thermostat Controller uses "thermostatSetpoint" without there being a command in the spec. (There's an implication of "Read-Only" in the documentation for "thermostatSetpoint" since it's defined as being an attribute only. No command to set it. ) It was a problem for me to use my home's Thermostat with the built-in Thermostat Controller.

NONE of the above explains how your thermostatSetpoint is neither the heating or cooling setpoint. Must mean my guesswork is incorrect. :smiley:

My understanding, so take it FWIW - Normally you have a coolingSetpoint, and a heatingSetpoint, with the thermostat setPoint being equal to the one which corresponds to the operating mode of the thermostat.

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This is exactly how my thermostats operate.

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Going into the Lutron Integrator child instance and clicking done appears to have synced Hubitat and Lutron but I then set the Cooling Point via Hubitat Device page:


Which gets me back to the original state:



And Lutron is still cooling to 74 degrees.

Would 'Use telnet direct' help?


Or is this a bug?

My Honeywell WiFi Thermostat does not have an Auto switchover between cooling and heating. When I query it for status, here's all the responses that contain "setP*"


As a result, nothing causes "thermostatSetpoint" to be set in my driver. :slight_smile:

Until last week:
* csteele: v2.0.11 populate thermostatSetoint attribute with most recent heat or cool setpoint

I've made a couple of edits to be more included in Thermostat Controller... which seems to use it. Prior to my patches, "thermostatSetpoint" never appeared in Current States column. When I added it to Thermostat Controller, I noticed it appeared. when I looked into my driver to see how it was being set, nothing. Those letters didn't even appear and that driver's been around a while.

Makes me wonder (aloud) if this Lutron device is being used in concert with Thermostat Controller (or Thermostat Scheduler??) because otherwise, it's just an informational piece of data coming out of certain brilliant thermostats. :smiley:

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This is what my GoControl looks like:

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 12.35.06

Yes, my Lutron HVAC is being set by a Thermostat Scheduler, but none of the setpoints specified by the Scheduler are 74 degrees...

Mine to... NOW :smiley:

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 10.38.05 AM

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Tagging @bravenel and @mike.maxwell. They are the Lutron SMEs from Hubitat who might be able to shed some light on what is happening.

If I click Done on the Lutron child instance while mode = off:


Going to reboot my Lutron hub...

thermostatSetpoint is an artifact, not what controls the thermostat. The thermostat is controlled by thermostat mode and heating or cooling setpoints. thermostatSetpoint is set based on responses from the thermostat itself. You can see these in the Lutron Telnet device logs.


from Hubitat HVAC device page while mode = off appears to have resolved the issue.

Note: Using the same Set Cooling Setpoint button OR the the Lutron app while mode equaled auto only changed the coolingSetpoint temporarily before it automagically reverted to 74 degrees.

Why are 'Current States' listed separately from 'State Variables' and the thermostatMode value not synced?



There is a circumstance where the driver will set the cooling setpoint to heating setpoint plus three. This would be in response to setting the heating setpoint, as there is a required separation of 3° for these thermostats. So perhaps this is happening if Thermostat Scheduler is setting the heating setpoint for some reason.

State variables are internal to the driver, and don't necessarily mean the same thing as the Current State (they are not the attribute, nor is the attribute value determined by this). And, State variables are not updated dynamically, whereas Current State is on the device page. The internal state variable "thermostatMode" is set from responses from the thermostat. For most drivers, you should ignore the State variables, as you don't really have any idea what they are for or mean.

The Thermostat Scheduler is setting the cooling and heating setpoints but they are always more than 3 degrees apart:

A bug in the driver perhaps?

How is the "Set only heat or cool setpoint" option set in Thermostat Scheduler.


but it was off and I turned it on while attempting to resolve this issue.

Even if the Thermostat Scheduler was only setting the heating setpoint, the cooling setpoint was still more than 3 degrees greater so...

Whatever, it appears to be working now. If it goes bonkers again, I'll report back.

Perhaps what happened is that TS thought the thermostat was in heat mode, and sent only a heating setpoint. The driver would respond to that by setting the cooling setpoint to +3° from the heating setpoint (which would be irrelevant if the thermostat was in heat mode). TS sends heating first, then cooling, when both are sent.

While attempting to remediate I noticed that mode cannot be specified in the Thermostat Scheduler config. Why?

Shouldn't the driver check the mode (or the delta between heating and cooling setpoints) before setting the cooling setpoint?