Lutron RA2 QS Select Lighting System

Yes. If the install was done in Essentials and the installer will send you the configuration file it's as easy as opening the file and making changes. If it was done in Inclusive or your installer won't give you the file then you will have to factory reset the existing main repeater and do all the configuring yourself. The software is among the better HA applications and pretty easy to figure out. The bridge is easy, as I said. Less than 10 mins. Make sure you set a static IP for the main repeater and the connect bridge.

Thanks for the info Bill,

How do I get started to be able to use Essentials?

Set aside a few hours. Some of it is marketing, some of it technical.

There are 4 categories with bunch of online classes in them, which one should I take? I have RadioRA 2 QS Select.

Thanks again.

Based on that, you want "RADIORA 2 LEVEL 1 ONLINE TRAINING"

Thanks a lot

The installer send me the configuration file in XML format. He hasn't told me if he has used Essentials or Inclusive. I will try to finish the online class this week, so I can check what was done. Would the system be able to tell me if it was configured in Essentials or Inclusive once I get the software?

You need a file with a .ra2 extension, not the XML file. If you get that file, I imagine, but don't know, that if it is Inclusive level it won't be able to be opened in Essentials software.

Hi Bill,

I was able to download the RA2 Essentials Software but unfortunately my electrician is not responding my emails where I am asking for the RA2 extension file.

What is the worst case scenario if he decides not to provide me that file? How difficult would it be to configure it again myself? I am software developer with electrical and electronic's skills, so that should help me :slight_smile: I guess.

The worst case is that you have to factory reset the main repeater and re-program the system. It's not that hard, but it may be time consuming and iterative. Make sure that you don't need Inclusive level software. That means less than 100 devices, single main repeater, no specialized controls. Then document any existing buttons/scenes as best you can.

Good morning Bill, I have just one repeater, then 3 boxes in 3 separate closets that are about 10" or 12" wide by 4" or 5" tall and have just one button in them, and 8 keypads, some of them have 3 buttons in them, some up to 5 or 6 buttons and they are all labeled to what they do.

What would be considered an specialized control?

Some specialized controls require Inclusive. Here is a list. Look to see if you have any that are asterisked. Also the LMJ-5T-DV-B 0-10v controller.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Bill, looks like all the hardware I have will work with Essentials but sounds like my electrician is saying the opposite. Check our email thread below:

Me: Can you provide me the RA2 file for my system and also let me know if you have set it up using Essentials or Inclusive?

Electrician: > > > Good morning, Inclusive is the software however Lutron does not permit us to give to customers as it is proprietary and available to Lutron certified trained technicians only.

Me: > > Can you let me know if all of the hardware I have can work with Essentials as I have taken the training for it and I have downloaded the Essentials software?

Electrician: > The hardware we installed is all the new version which works only on the new software specifically for it ( Essentials )

It appears that your electrician did not answer your original question. You asked for the RA2 file and his answer was about the software. You've already got the Essentials software, you need the RA2 file with the configuration.

If the system is programmed in Inclusive, I don't think you can downgrade the configuration to Essentials even if you have the .ra2 file.

But as long as all of your equipment works with Essentials you should be able to factory reset the system and re-program it yourself.

@bravenel is this your understanding?

He claims in his email that the hardware is running with the latest version of the software which means I will not be able to see it it Essentials but that doesn't mean I cannot just factory reset them like you mention and reprogram everything.

I will try to reprogram it but I will start very early in the morning in case it takes a long time to do it, so that way I can have lights at night :slight_smile:

I don't know. This topic was not addressed in the training. I don't know that the ra2 file format is different. It may be that if Inclusive features were used you'd have a problem. I'd certainly try to load the ra2 file into Essentials first, before resetting anything.

Hi bravenel,

They do not want to provide me the ra2 file, they say it is proprietary information. Trust me, I will not reset my hardware to factory settings unless I know for sure I can make the same configurations myself or bite the bullet and pay them to add the pro bridge to my system.

I've lost track: What is it that you need to move forward with integrating you RA2 system into Hubitat that you don't have?

Well, next is Alexa and I've read somewhere that at-home simulation turning lights on and off can be done easily with the pro bridge. I remember you said this can all be done with Hubitat. Maybe I don't need the pro bridge after all.

PS: I like to have full control of my systems, if I would have known the electrician would keep the system close and I have to pay a fee for every change then I would have gone other route.