Installed it with the Lutron App. Added a Pico Remote. I didn't program the buttons to do anything, as I want them to control various things using Hubitat, so I assumed I'd try that.
I added one remote to Hubitat using the referenced procedure.
First confusion was adding the Pico Remote. What is the difference between push and release and push and hold? I have a remote with 5 buttons.
I only have one pico device in Lutron app, but when I was finished, I had two listed in the Hubitat devices. See image. One is a Lutron Pico. The other is a Lutron Fast Pico. No idea why I have 2.
Push and release gives you 5 buttons and push and hold gives you 10. It detects the difference between pushing it and pushing and hold for a separate action.
You likely have a duplicate because you changed the type in the Lutron app as it will create a new device when you change it. It’s probably easiest if you just delete those 2 devices and then go back into Lutron app and click done again so the device is recreated and right driver gets set. Then once added you can use button controller to set what happens on button presses and/or holds.
@bravenel could that be fixed so duplicates aren’t created?
I don't know how he did that, got two of them. Your advice about delete the devices and go back into the Integration app would work. But you can also just edit the driver for the device directly.
Why do you say hold and release gives you 5? I have mine configured to have the option of push and hold/release. Every button has push. Then every button can have either hold/release or hold. That's 10 total no matter how you configure it.
The Fast Pico driver does not support hold events. Just push and release. The reason it is considered 'Fast' is that it does not have to wait to see if the user holds the button long enough to classify the action as a hold event. The advantage, is very fast pushed events.
Oh, so you're referring to the Pico vs. Fast Pico drivers not the action defined? Okay. It really should be "Push" and "Push/Hold" then, shouldn't it? Or maybe "Push/Release" and "Push/Hold/Release". Cause I did not get that meaning from the two currently used to differentiate between the drivers.
Yes, you are correct. You can use the Pico driver (push/hold/release) to do a cool light raise/lower function. Push is used to just turn the light on, while hold does a start-raising (or lowering) action, and then release stops that.
You can do the same raise/lower function with the Fast Pico driver, but a single button would be dedicated to raise and one to lower. This is the way Lutron "designed" the Pico to work, and is how it works when it is paired directly to a Lutron dimmer in the Lutron system. In that case the top button is on 100%, the raise/lower buttons work as described, the center round button is a "favorite" setting, and the bottom button is off. One pico per light. With Hubitat, you can do so much more than that with either driver.
This has happened to me once as well. Not sure what I did. But I also noticed changing the type in Lutron doesn’t update the driver of the component device.
Interesting, could it? If I wanted to change from push and release(fast Pico) to push and hold (Pico), do I just update the driver on the device, update the Lutron app, or both?
You can just update the device. But, it would make sense to update the app as well so that it reflects what you actually have setup. Even so, it wouldn't touch the existing device. Just good practice to keep the two saying the same thing for the sake of avoiding confusion later.
Whats the best way to add a pico remote?
I ask because when I setup the first pico I paired it via the Lutron app with my dinning room switch. Then I added the same pico remote to Hubitat and via the Button Controller app added additional commands for hold button 1 to turn on the kitchen light. But when holding button 1 it would trigger both dinning room and kitchen lights. To work around this I un-paired the pico via the Lutron app with the dinning room switch and programmed push and hold via Hubitat. Is this the correct/best way to add picos so I can program all 10 presets? Otherwise it seems Lutron uses the release commands and so those trigger no matter what you do in Hubitat.
The only Lutron devices in my home are Pico's. Therefore I can't comment on what else the Lutron Hub might do.. for me, it does nothing "extra." I pair the Pico and match the definition to the Lutron Integration on my hubitat hub, and then it just appears as a bunch of buttons. Push, push-hold, push-release... depending on what I want.
Clearly the only choice I have is to let Hubitat do all the work.
I have read of others that do as you did, pairing a button within Lutron too. But I don't know if they continued with that, or, like you, pulled back.
If you pair the pico with a "room" or a switch in the Lutron app, it basically ties or mirrors that Pico to a particular switch. That is why when you hold or release or whatever it also turns on (incorrectly) a light. To get around that, I think many or most of us have not done things the way Lutron thinks we should.
I made a special "room" in the Lutron app called Pico room, and that is where my picos all live. They would do nothing according to Lutron as they are not tied to a switch. They are only associated with a particular switch within Hubitat using button controller or rule machine.
I do the same thing for Pico remotes that I am not using as 3-way or 4-way auxiliary switches. So, I use a combination...
Lutron native Pico associations for standard 3/4 way switches. These Picos I do not even bother adding to Hubitat to avoid confusion. I just integrate the actual Caseta Switch/Dimmer with Hubitat and use its events to trigger any automations I need in Hubitat.
Pico remotes dedicated to Hubitat as button controllers. These live in their own Lutron "Pico Room" as @neonturbo has described above. This prevents any unintentional Lutron associations happening on the SmartBridge Pro hub.
It’s also possible to keep a pico in the same room as a switch/dimmer in the Lutron app, and change the settings of the pico so that it’s no longer tied to the switch.
It has been a few months since I did this, but I think that having a Pico in the same room as the switch is what ties them together in the Lutron app. That is the whole point of having a Pico room.
You could theoretically have Living Room room, and Living Room Pico room though to keep these together, (alphabetically) yet separate. I.E. you would end up with two separate but adjacent devices in the app.