Lutron Caseta Diva 3-way Application

I want to control one light from two locations. If I install a Caseta Diva Dimmer in one location and a dumb mechanical on-off switch at the other location (which is definitely possible per Lutron documentation), what happens when I turn the dumb mechanical switch on? Will the mechanical on-off switch set set the light to 100% no matter what, or will it set the light to the level that is set at the connected dimmer?

With all due respect, this sounds like a question for Lutron. I would also like to know Lutron’s official answer on this (as long as it is the official word specifically on the Caseta version of the Diva) as it would be a great money saver if this in fact works (for me, even if it goes to 100% in my use case). BTW, I believe this is known as 3-way operation (when each light switch is able to independently control one light)? This terminology has always confused me as in some other electrical control systems, the ability to control a switch from a remote switch is known as 2-way operation. At any rate, looking forward to hearing what you find out.

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Update for the OP:

Spoke directly with a support technician at Lutron 1 (844) 588-7661 to query about: 1) wiring diagram and 2) operational characteristics when a Caseta Diva dimmer is wired to a mechanical 3-way on/off switch in a 3-way arrangement. Technician stated that they had just TODAY received the application notes for this type of arrangement and that it has not yet been published (he had no timeline for the publication of the operational characteristics).

However, he was able to direct me to the applicable 3-way wiring diagram which I have attached below:

Please note that the mechanical switch has to be wired in a slightly different manner than what is normally the case when using the (normally) red traveller wire (there is a yellow jumper wire that needs to be installed on the mechanical 3-way switch). Also, note that only a 3-way on/off mechanical switch can be utilized (NO mechanical dimmer), and so dimming level can only be set at the Caseta Diva dimmer switch. Additionally, only a 3-way arrangement can be accommodated with a mechanical on/off switch (in other words, only two switches, the Diva and the Mechanical, controlling one light). If you want additional controls (e.g., 4-way with 3 switches, you have to use 2 Picos and the Caseta Diva).

Although the application notes are yet to be published, in reviewing the in house application notes that the support techs just received, he did mention that when the mechanical 3-way on/off switch is turned on, that the controlled light will turn on at the PRESET DIM LEVEL set on the Caseta Diva dimmer (yeah!).

If you want to have DIMMING control at both locations, then you will have to use a PICO remote at the secondary site at this time (as I previously stated, a mechanical 3-way dimmer will NOT work as far as the support tech knew at this time).

I want to stress that since official documentation has not been published at this time, and that I have NOT tried this myself yet, and my comment that the controlled light will come on at the pre-set dim level (and not at 100% level) is only based on what I was told over the phone. I mention this as sometimes in various forums (not so much in this forum but it does occur) contributors make statements that turn out to be simply NOT true and they do not give full disclosure that they did not actually try out and test what they say/think will work. So, YMMV.

As a cautionary tale (I have been burned by this myself) that is why I stressed to the OP to do his/her own research and ask LUTRON directly. Anyway, I for one am very pleased that the Caseta Diva allegedly works this way with a mechanical 3-way switch as it is ok for my use case (I don’t need to independently control the dim level from both locations). Hope everyone finds this helpful.


Also, can one of the moderators change the title of this thread to “Lutron Caseta Diva 3-way Application” (with the permission of the OP) as the OP’s usage of “Two Way” is simply incorrect and may lead to further confusion. Just a suggestion, thanks.

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Interesting how Lutron uses the traveller wire as a line/hot on the DVRF-6L (Load-side) diagram. That's some crazy engineering there.

I read there will be a companion switch for three way coming out soon. Although not needed, since you can use a mechanical switch in one location, or a Pico in one or multiple locations.

I wonder if the companion switch will have have additional functionality, such as a double tap setting the light to full power (if the preset is set to less than 100%)?


In my previously referenced conversation with the support technician at Lutron, no operational information was available for the planned companion switch. When I asked, the tech (who was incredibly nice, patient and helpful) was not able to answer any questions about the planned companion switch as they had JUST gotten the application information for the Caseta Diva that same day (or so he told me). Based on this, it will be some time before any info is available to even the support staff on the companion switch/dimmer.

I would imagine that the companion unit would have to offer some functional advantages over the Pico (over and beyond the need to replace Pico batteries as the batteries can supposedly last ten years anyway depending upon use). But again, this is just speculation. We will have to wait for official/confirmed information. At any rate, you can buy a mechanical 3-way rocker for about $7 usd. For most of my applications, that is sufficient in my use case as I rarely have to set different dim levels “from both ends” physically (main purpose of all this smart stuff is automation and convenience).

It is encouraging that Lutron is investing more into development and support of Caseta compatible devices, as at one point, I was concerned that they would be abandoning the ClearConnect protocol based on some reports of future changes in direction/protocols.

So there is also no way to use (2) Caseta Diva Dimmers in 3-way locations?

Is there any other smart dimmer that can be physically wired at two locations in a 3-way configuration?

My Insteon Dimmers could. You just paired them together and they worked in sync.

Was the traveler conductor connected at both ends? I'm confused as to how power continuity was maintained.

No, the traveler was ignored (or repurposed to send power back to the other location). One switch controlled the load. The other switch just needed power and was paired via the dual mesh and they worked in unison.

If you use this setup, it should be possible to use other smart dimmers in the same manner.

Can you explain how? I tried it with Caseta switches before using rule machine, but the delay was too much. I was hoping Lutron would give us a way to pair two wired switches like you can pair a Pico. It worked perfectly with Insteon - the delay was imperceptible. Is this possible with Lutron?

You can use an existing “dumb” switch with the Caseta Diva, using existing traveler wiring. Once Lutron releases their new Accessory switch, it should be a nicer looking solution.

BTW, the Pico remotes work amazingly well for multi-way switches and dimmers, with instant responsiveness. They also make awesome button controller devices for Hubitat. I use many of them throughout my house.

Again, I would caution everyone to avoid making statements that they have not actually tested/confirmed (as you may be able to tell, this is a pet peeve of mine concerning internet misinformation). I agree with @jimhim in that I have also tested this out with Lutron Caseta switches with similar results to his.

If anyone has actually gotten Lutron Caseta “masters” to work as 3-ways, I am open to learn how they actually did this. OTOH, at the cost of the Lutrons, $160 usd would be excessive for me for one 3-way pair :money_mouth_face:, lol.

There are a number of smart switches that are designed to be able to be paired that I have had actual experience with. As one example, although not necessarily applicable to HE for many as they are wifi-based and require the cloud, I have paired two “master” smart switches using the GE smart dimmers (now known as the Cync dimmers). This was done early on in my Hubitat experience when I was able to get the switches on sale for $12.99 each (they are now $49-$59 each IIRC). However, many other smart switch/dimmer systems require either a companion switch, or specifically purchasing a pair that is designed to be a 3-way pair (either two 3-way masters or a master and companion pair).

Again, am curious as to how to do this with the current Lutrons, although I will probably just wait for the companion, use a Pico, or put in a mechanical 3-way at this time. As with most internet info, YMMV.

Edit: just saw @ogiewon ’s post and agree 100% with his offered solutions (as I had previously posted when I summarized my conversation directly with Lutron Support). What I was referring to was whether two Lutron “masters” could be wired to work together as was suggested in another post.

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The problem with the dumb switch is that you can't operate dimming from that location. I have lots of Picos myself, but they don't look good next to the new Diva switches. Although I'm not a fan of battery devices in locations where I have power, a Diva style pico would be ok. I guess I'll wait and see what happens with an accessory switch. A Diva dimmer (powered, but with no load) paired to another Diva would be ideal - like they managed to do with Insteon all those years ago.

As you have already discovered, the only way to do that is via Hubitat, which results in a bit of a delay. Also, the Lutron no-neutral dimmers will not function whatsoever without a load on them.

While that is absolutely true, unless you are willing to wait for the companion switch, or to wait for a Diva like Pico, or are willing to put up with the look of the existing Pico, an alternative would be to use the mechanical switch in the location where you would be least likely to need to control /change dim level from as the mechanical switch can be placed either on the load-end or the line-end (perhaps not ideal but still at least some flexibility there).

Anyway, that’s what automation is for (I haven’t touched a switch in quite some time, but understandably your preferred use case is yours). I used to tell my son when he was younger, “sometimes you have to wait to get what you want, and sometimes even when you wait, you might not get exactly what you want!” (and he turned out OK, lol).

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Yes, I noticed this.