Lr pairing instructions?

I have the ZSE41 800LR (be aware the non LR is also called the ZSE41) and mine stopped working at about 3/4 of a mile...I was almost at the liquor store down the road and was just enjoying opening and closing the sensor while looking at my phone...

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what are you getting at. obviously i have the 800lr or it wouldnt pair as lr. and i am looking at the box.. maybe i have a defecive device.. but it still has to go through two walls as hub is not in the window.

I was just pointing out during buying it can be confusing is all and making sure you had the LR version. I almost got bit when I bought

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ya i bought in prep just for this moment.. as although the zigbee sensors works fine.. it is hard on the 2450 battery and it only lasts about 2 months i was hoping for a better outcome

zooz replied asking some questions and i answered see what they say and if they send me a replacement device.

I had to replace a Light Switch a few weeks ago and I got couple of Zen71 LR switches. I purchased one to have as a spare. When I paired it LR was not yet supported and it is paired as a normal Z-wave device. This particular device is very close to the hub, so it doesn't need to be LR.

So if it is paired normal, then it is used as a repeater? It's not being used as one, according to the Z-wave mesh tool, but I have many repeater type devices that are not.

Yes, if an LR-capable device is paired non-LR (which is totally fine - many of mine are), then they participate in the regular mesh just as any traditional ZW device would. LR and regular mesh are separate/unique ZW frequencies.

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I’m going through this with a different device, but still under warranty. I was told to send it in for evaluation and if they find it defective they will send a replacement. There was a time not long ago they would trouble shoot by email and just go ahead and replace it. Clearly something has changed.

That is what they did with a Zen34 I had. I had to send it in for evaluation. That was April of last year.

Did they send a replacement?

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interesting in response to my own question apparently it DOES matter where you pair a LR device.. zooz got back to me and i had hope.. see below.

however it would not pair at the location or even exclude even after a full reset of the device...

and as far as i am concerned when the device doesnt get a response it should automatically switch modes anyway.. i just think these devices firmware is not up to snuff.

Thank you for those details!

Long Range in the US currently has two power levels for ZWLR: matching the RF transmit power to the typical power supply of the intended application. +14dBm is often utilized in battery-powered devices, where even the 41mA current can strain low-cost batteries. On the other hand, the +20dBm is better suited for mains-powered devices, maximizing the range potential. ZWLR employs dynamic RF power, meaning that for nodes situated close enough to the hub, only sufficient RF power is utilized to reliably communicate with the controller. Would you be able to exclude the sensor and re-include it from the target location, to ensure the correct RF transmit power is utilized?

Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Interesting, but confusing. Didn't she just say the weaker 14dBm is used in battery devices, and isn't this a battery device? Wouldn't a symptom of erroneous power assignment be awesome range and pitiful battery life, lol.

On another note, I'm getting 11 dB from my Ecolink Z-wave contact sensor, non-lr, at the gate, and 3 dB each from the ZSE18 lr's in the package bin and mailbox. All three in roughly same location, and enclosed in plastic boxes.

I had to move the hub to get them to work. Pretty sure the ZSE18's non-lr worked where it was before. Hard to quantify. Trees, vegetation, etc. It seemed to have pretty long range when I walked down the road with only trees in the way, not leaves.

I still have the non-lr ZSE18's; maybe I should re-include them and compare.

Even at 3dB, they've been pretty reliable.
But 11dB from the Ecolink, wow. I use the contacts in the sensor to determine open/closed status of the gate.

Also note that the ZSE18 doesn't use a flat battery, it's 1/3 AA size. I'm too lazy to look it up right now. More ooomph. The Ecolink uses the same battery.

123a i use that on my gate also;..seems to work the best when attached to a metal gate pole... i did have to put a bigger neodyn magnet on the gate to get it reliable.

ya ive tried like 4 times with the zse41lr now.. probably write it off and throw it in the bin.. only works basically 2 rooms away in the house.. through 2 walls.. i am not moving the hub just for this.. as soon as i go 30 feet outdoors it drops..

where are you getting the db levels from? i think the motion zse18 would be too big for my mailbox.. thank god the smaller smartthings multi works.. just a pain replacing the battery every month or two.

i could try the zse43 tilt .. but my feeling is they all have the same guts and small antenna so probably no.

would love to hack one of these and try putting a longer wire for an antenna down the mailbox pole.... lol

It's quite small.

I have a plastic mailbox; you said you have a metal mailbox...different setup in all likelihood.

The magnetic mount is screwed to the back of the mail box.
I wrap the sensor in Saran wrap.
It's easy to reach in an remove to bring inside the house.

Of course, where I have it in the package bin, it gets knocked off every once in a while, and I have to reach down (think large garbage can on wheels) to retrieve and replace it.

I am getting the dB readings from the Z-wave details page.

edit: It's a plastic mailbox, plastic garbage can, and plastic gate control box.

you mean the zwave logs page.. the zwave detiails just has speed ie 100kb 40kb etc.