Lots of Zigbee devices. Too many? Now what?

So I found Hubitat earlier this year and moved from Wink. I love love love Hubitat and my smart home has grown. Well, now things are becoming flaky. Randomly devices are not working and it’s getting kind of annoying. I’ve strategically placed routers around the house and only use Sengled bulbs which don’t try to act as routers. Most of my devices are Sengled Zigbee bulbs. Below is my routing table. Any suggestions? I know I’ve got a lot of devices. Do I have too many? How do you scale your smarthome so you can continue adding but keep everything running reliably as well! Thanks!


Parent child parameters
EzspGetParentChildParametersResponse [childCount=28, parentEui64=0000000000000000, parentNodeId=65535]

Child Data
child:[Living Room Dimmer Switch, 973C, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Dining Room Hallway Light 2, 07E6, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Upper Hallway Light 2, 72AA, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Basement Unfinished Water Sensor, F280, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Upper Hallway Light 4, F8AD, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Upper Hallway Motion Sensor, 752F, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Upper Hallway Light 1, 6617, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Ella’s Room Fan Light 2, 9E2F, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Master Bathroom Button, 82DD, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Dining Room Table Light 5, 5BF3, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Master Bathroom Sink Light Jacob 2, 0A5B, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Office Button, 7DC8, type:EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE]
child:[Master Bathroom Sink Light Lisa 1, 96ED, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Master Bedroom Closet Light 1, AF44, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Front Door Porch Light, 8627, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Dining Room Table Light 2, 69E2, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Upper Hallway Light 5, 22F4, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Kitchen Light 3, B84F, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Living Room Fireplace Light Left, D648, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
No information for Child 19
child:[Dining Room Table Light 3, 3EDC, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Living Room Fireplace Light Right, D142, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Main Bathroom Sink Light 1, 2AB0, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Ella's Room Fan Light 4, E049, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
child:[Dining Room Hutch Light Left, 59EF, type:EMBER_END_DEVICE]
No information for Child 25
No information for Child 26
No information for Child 27

Neighbor Table Entry
[Basement Routing Outlet, 1CA0], LQI:251, age:4, inCost:3, outCost:1
[Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Kitchen Routing Outlet, 968B], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1
[Garage Routing Outlet, CAAC], LQI:250, age:3, inCost:3, outCost:3
[Master Bedroom Heated Lotion, D13B], LQI:254, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:1

Route Table Entry
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Garage Inside Door, DCFA] via [Garage Routing Outlet, CAAC]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Refrigerator, 3F1C] via [Master Bedroom Heated Lotion, D13B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Back Hallway Light 3, DB29] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:0, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Motion Sensor, 35BA] via [Kitchen Routing Outlet, 968B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Laundry Room Motion Sensor, 7951] via [Garage Routing Outlet, CAAC]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Garage Light 3, BDAE] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Addison's Room Button, 570B] via [Kitchen Routing Outlet, 968B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Garage Routing Outlet, CAAC] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Ella's Bathroom Motion Sensor, 1B01] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B] via [Kitchen Routing Outlet, 968B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Main Bathroom Sink Light 2, 75F2] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Boy's Room Motion Sensor, 16E5] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Ella's Closet Motion Sensor, DB41] via [Garage Routing Outlet, CAAC]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Living Room Thermostat, 9A5A] via [Upper Hallway Routing Outlet, 235B]

5 repeaters?, if that's the case you probably need a few more.
What's the total non repeater count?


Trying to figure out the best way to figure this out. Is there an easier way other than counting them one-by-one? I look at my devices list and it shows 150 but some of those are virtual devices. Hmm. I would guess I have around 120 or so Zigbee devices that aren't routers. Mainly Sengled light bulbs but also quite a few battery-powered devices like buttons and motion sensors, etc.

that's a lot.
a router can handle somewhere between 7 and 11 children (based on what I've seen)
say we pick 10, and you have 5 routers, that's only 50 devices that could possibly be picked up...
Most of the hubs 32 available directly connected end device slots are full.
I think you just need to add some more routers.
Start in an area where you're having issues, add the router then power cycle all the nearby bulbs, they should start using the new router.
Its important to include the new routers in place and not move them afterwards.

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Great that’s my plan! Thanks!

Any recommendations? These are the ones I’ve been using.

Innr Zigbee Smart Plug, Works with Philips Hue, SmartThings, Alexa, Google Home (Hub Required) SP 224 (2-Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SQGG8Z7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_kJRRFbFS2CNBN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


If you like them, there's no reason to change.


I think they are working well, but I’ve also been seeing these issues so hoping they are not related to the routing devices! Always like to hear what other people like to use.

they are working as routers (if those are the Innr units), you can see them in your route table

Cool as long as all routers are created equal! :blush:

Definitely NOT what he said. The ones you are using are probably fine; not the best, but priced appropriately.

Ok so which ones are the “best”?

In my experience, the Samsung SmartThings Smart Outlet is a really good Zigbee repeater.

Samsung SmartThings GP-U999SJVLDAA Smart Outlet, Automated Plug-in Lighting Module, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F96JB63/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_xjVRFb9RQZ181


I have 5 of these and they are excellent. Stronger signal and repeat for more devices than others I have tried.

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Problem is that they have been discontinued and sellers that still have a few have doubled the price, so unless you find them on eBay or Craigslist. You will need to find an alternative to that one. I use the Ikea plugs (not the actual repeaters) because they have a very strong signal and work well, but they are a lot bigger than the Samsung ones.


Amazon says they can be ordered now to ship November 23rd.

I would say Xbee3 pro
they will allow you to route more end devices (12-20 depending on model) VS an average router device (7-11) and you can map your zigbee network.


If you don't dislike the look, you could get the Ikea outlets. Super cheap, and work very well. They are just big and ugly.

I replaced all my ikea outlets/repeaters with below to keep the Mrs happy. They also work well:


Doubt that and look at the description, it says WI-FI, I don't think that will work as a Zigbee repeater!

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If you can still find them, the Iris 3210-L2 smart plugs make great zigbee and z-wave+ repeaters.

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