Looking for a low cost "dry" contact sensor using Zigbee or Z-wave plus for HE

Looking for a low cost "dry" contact input sensor using Zigbee or Z-wave plus for HE?
I need it to relay an IR photo beam perimeter trip to HE.
Any suggestions?

Ecolink zwave plus contact sensors have dry contact terminals.


Not really low cost but the Zen17, if you have space for it, will work as dry sensor contacts.
5/12/24 VDC Power.
Extra sets of sensor/output contacts for future projects (Sirens, Lights :wink: ).


Ÿ Monitor inputs independently from output control
Ÿ Powerful dry contact NO/NC relays to control loads up to 20 A for NO
Ÿ Perfect for DC motors, pumps, commercial gates, or HVAC equipment
Ÿ Control up to 2 connected loads independently or together
Ÿ Z-Wave or optional wall switch control (toggle or momentary type)
Ÿ Built-in timers for each relay to simplify automation
Ÿ Built-in Z-Wave Plus signal repeater to extend network range
Ÿ Powered by 12-24 V DC/AC or USB C port for easy set-up
Ÿ Wall mounting and minimal design for clean installation
Ÿ NEW 700 Z-Wave chip, S2 security, and SmartStart

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This is a great suggestion. I use these for my dryer notification. Work great with external sensors.


@user494 @aaiyar @gavincampbell Great suggestion. I use them for my generator xfer switch (dry contact lets me know it's running) and a home-made HomeLink gateway that turns on my alarm system from the car.


@brad5 @gavincampbell

I still use the older GoControl contact sensors for the same purpose. They're quick enough for my needs. I use two for power monitoring, one connected to a current transducer to indicate the state of the HVAC blower, and one as a tilt sensor for the garage door.


I also can vouch for these. I put one in my mailbox a year ago and it has not missed a single notification; and battery still shows 99%.


Guys, thanks for the "dry" contact device recommendations but I have noticed, coming from the "other" automation control hubs, that Zigbee 3.0 and Z-wave+ contact sensors are expensive!
Has anyone tried the "SONOFF ZBMINI ZigBee Mini Smart Light Switch" for around $10?

The older eco link Tilt sensor has a contact terminal. TILT-ZWAVE2-ECO. I have one on my garage door, dont think its z-wave plus if that matters but it <$13.


I have and they work fine for their intended purpose. but they're not dry contact sensors.

I use them for my security flood lights, outdoor decorations, landscape lights, etc.

Are you looking for a switch or a sensor with dry contacts? The zbmini is a switch and doesn’t have any dry contacts.

I have this one working as a switch but can also work as a sensor according to the specs. I use it for my air exchanger. Never had a problem with it.

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It does have a set of contacts used to control the internal relay via an external switch, but it does NOT report the state of the external switch. It is easily possible for the relay and the switch to get "out of sync." Is not the right device for this application.

I'd go with the Zooz ZEN16 or 17 and find 1 or two more things to do with the extra capabilities.

Just reading the Sonoff zbmini on/off relay from switching the input with a "dry" set of contacts should do the job for about $10. For that cost, I would buy additional spares and still save $$$.

You are free to try, but I don't think you will be happy with the results. The state of the relay does not match the state of the connected switch. The switch can be ON (closed contacts) and the relay can be off. This happens because the relay changes state any time the switch is toggled. In theory, you could get the relay OFF and the switch OPEN and hope they stay in sync, but they will very likely get out of sync, especially with a photo beam that can change from open to closed and back to open faster than the ZBMINI can respond.

But there is some good news. The ZBMINI is also a very useful device and I'm sure you will be able to find somewhere to put that to good use as well, I just don't think you'll be able to make it work for your photo beam application.

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I am using the Seco-Larm "Enforcer" with Retro-Reflective Photobeam Sensor (E-931-S45RRQ).
There is an adjustable output 5 ms. to 100 ms. response delay which worked perfect with my Shelly 1L "WiFi" switch - bad word on this forum. Moving to HE's Zigbee Sonoff ZBmini should not be a problem due to the Enforcer adjustment response delay. Thanks for your engineering concerns.
Will try this switch to see if it is reliable enough for my home automation/security system.

Why? There’s a built-in integration for many Shelly products.

You can set up the Aoetec Sensor 7 to work in "Dry contact" mode.

See: Smallest Z-Wave door / window sensor with dry contact relay • Aeotec

Also see "Advanced functions." here:

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I am ridding all my home automation sensors and devices away from MY unreliable, overloaded WiFi and using Hubitat's Zigbee (3.0) and Z-Wave plus.

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That might be your decision. But there’s nothing verboten about WiFi devices in this community. Which is what you implied by stating, “bad word on this forum”.