Logs say "wait over --> restricted" after elapsed time

Hello, I am trying to make a simple rule where a button is pressed, an outlet is activated, then after X elapsed time the outlet turns off:

When I run the rule, the outlet does get activated, but then does not turn off after elapsed time. The logs seem to understand what should happen, but when it comes time to turn off the outlet, it says that it is restricted:


I don't have any restrictions, nor any other rules attached to this outlet:


Any idea what "wait over --> restricted" means? Why it would be restricted? And how to unrestrict it?

My hub version is:


I think this is a known issue. I think the fix is coming in the next release.


I didn't realize this was a major bug. Many/most of my automations depend on elapsed time. Any idea when the next release is scheduled for? Is there a workaround? Shouldn't there be an emergency patch before release?

Please see the following

This is happening for me too. On a rule that has no restrictions.

app:72024-06-05 10:20:17.396 AMinfoevt: Wait time is up: 30 minutes , wait over --> restricted
app:72024-06-05 09:50:17.360 AMinfoact: Wait 30 minutes
app:72024-06-05 09:50:17.298 AMinfoevt: Toilet Room Fan switch on
app:72024-06-04 01:02:17.362 PMinfoevt: Wait time is up: 30 minutes , wait over --> restricted

This is a known issue. The fix has been released in the beta channel. If everything goes well, the update will be made public shortly. If you don't want to wait for the public release, I can enable the beta update on your hub to fix this issue, now.

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Latest update fixes it! Thank you.

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