Evt: certain time , wait over --> restricted

I have a basic rule that turns on the light at Sunset and turns off at 11:00 pm.

Normally, the rule runs fine. This morning the light was still on, and this is how the rule fired:

2024-05-31 11:00:00.259 PM evt: certain time , wait over --> restricted

2024-05-31 07:45:00.605 PM Wait Until Time of Day is 11:00 PM

2024-05-31 07:45:00.343 PM act: Turn on Curio Cabinet

2024-05-31 07:45:00.336 PM evt: Sunset

What is evt: certain time , wait over --> restricted?


Please post a screenshot of your rule. Based on the logs, it appears that rule has a Restriction option set, that prevented the light from being turned off.

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Known issue with Basic rules since
It impacts rules with no restrictions and also if the pending actions restriction is enabled.


Fix for this coming in next release.


So in the meantime if we toggle to "Restrict only the trigger ..." will that solve? Theoretically if the trigger is restricted, the pending actions are irrelevant for 90% of my rules.

Yes that should fix it.