updated stopped some of my automations

Ok, I will update and try that.

Much appreciated!!

Let’s us know how you get on. The trigger will always run since you selected every day of the week.

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Unless you only want it to run on specific days, then select the correct days. The key is to have that restriction set to trigger only. If you do want pending actions to be restricted/canceled as well, will need to roll back or wait for a fix.

True true , I should have mentioned that also.

Ok, so from what I am reading, you both are talking days, I run them off modes. Most if not all of my restrictions are based off my cell phone being home or modes. So I might have to wait till an update.

But I am curious, I am going to turn on that with my modes as my restrictions and see.

Works with modes also, I started with modes as a test. I think you just need to select something so you can change the trigger type at the bottom

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Perfect, so far everything works with the restrict trigger on.

I appreciate both of you for the help with this.

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Trigger method did not work for me so I'm back on

Interesting, can I ask what settings you used for restrictions ?

I have a virtual switch called sleep watch and the rule only triggers only when sleep watch is off

Alexa skill is not working after update. Rolled back.

Alexa is working fine for me, has never not worked. You might want to make a new thread about that or find an existing one and chime in there. Thats not what this thread is about.


Now has been released I tried that and that still stops at least 2 of my basic rules with or without all the days of the week checked???? what next????

Need some info:

Everything switches on but not off, nothing has changed for months until

.143 did not fix it, I think @bravenel is still working on it.

To fix it for now, you can either change your restriction setting to be for the trigger only. Or you can roll back to the prior platform using the Diagnostic Tool.

In the restriction settings you want it like this (just the part I have boxed out in red)

Unfortunately the bug fix for Basic Rules in .141 seems to have broken all pending actions if that setting is the way you have it now.


I ran into the exact same issue this morning after I did the update. I rolled back to version and everything was fine again. I didn't read about the restrictions method of fixing it until after the roll back unfortunately or I would have tried it first. I'll wait for the next update now I think.

I'll wait for a fix, I've rolled back and forth 6 times already, I may have altered the trigger but cant remember

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The latest Release fixed the issue. Everything is working as it should again.