updated stopped some of my automations

Hub is a C-7

I just updated, my system will turn on my lights or whatever the start of the automation, but it will not complete.

my kitchen I have a human presence sensor that turns on the light, when I leave it should turn off, it is not, the presence sensor shows active so the light stays on. this is happening with many of my lights.

all was good till the update, now, I am an idiot, I did not back up the old, but I never backed up. How can I revert to the old load?

Much appreciated.

Use the diagnostic tool to roll back to previous platform. A backup restore would have been useless anyway, it does not change the platform version. Hubitat Diagnostic Tool | Hubitat Documentation

Are these rules by chance created in the Basic Rules app? There was a fix in that app and it possibly opened up some new bugs according to one other report as well.

yes, they are all in basic rules

Can you show a screenshot or copy/paste the purple text at the top of one of the rules that is not working right?

I am currently doing the reverting back, I will once that is complete.

this is the rule

When HPS - Kitchen activates ...
Turn on Light Sw - Kitchen
Dim Light Sw - Kitchen to 100
Wait until HPS - Kitchen motion stops and stays inactive for 5 seconds, then ...
Turn off Light Sw - Kitchen

Rule and pending actions can run ...
Only when mode is Clean, Day, Evening, Home, Morning, Movie

I just reverted back to and it is working.

Having the same problem also, it looks like basic rule is evaluating the restrictions as ‘restricted’ even when not enabled. So once the trigger happens basic rule logs the wait for event as restricted.

@bravenel looks like possibly the same issues as this one just posted in beta section not long ago: https://community.hubitat.com/t/2-3-9-140-basic-rule-didnt-complete-actions/138656

** Note that the beta post was about, and this post the user was on and reverted back to which fixed it for them.

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I just reverted back and now on I see it is the latest version that I could do.

If you roll back to or older it should go back to how it was working before.

this rule

When Contact Sensor - Pantry door opens ...
Turn on pantry relay Channel 1
Wait until Contact Sensor - Pantry door closes, then ...
Turn off pantry relay Channel 1

has not restrictions and it would to the same, it would not turn off. it is a cloud based Shelly relay.

I just updated my rules to select days of the week and only restrict the trigger. All back working now, I’m sure the lads will have a fix over the next few days (or knowing the way these guys sleep a few hours)

You are correct, currently everything is working correctly. I am on now.

I appreciate your help and letting me know about the Diag tool.

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If you add a restriction example all the day of the week and only restrict the trigger it will work as expected or just revert until a patch is released.

I think this is what will fix it. .141 had a fix for this setting, and it looks like maybe the "and pending actions" part got broken in the process. I tagged the dev up above already.

Looks like it, I did notice that in the release notes and after careful comparison between rules which did work vs not working using basic rule I found the temp fix.

you guys are talking about this

turn it on and I should be good?

Yep that’s it