Livarno lux

Hi everyone. installed the LED-Strip Livarno Lux and used the driver from this forum. if i try to change the color through the dashboard then the color always returns to pink. although during the selection it changes to the one I need. resets to pink after selection. always. only the LED-Strip does this. what am I doing wrong


Hi guys, just for info. Aldi now have 3 or 4 different filament bulbs. They're currently reduced £8

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I found the answer to my question. 3 lines are missing in the setColor block:

sendEvent (name: "hue", value: value.hue)
sendEvent (name: "saturation", value: value.saturation)
sendEvent (name: "level", value: value.level)

im seeing these errors in the log, dose anyone know how to fillter out these messages

if(raw) {
                def clusterId = map.cluster
                logDebug "Parsing : clusterId = $clusterId and ${map}"
                log.debug "parse raw ${raw}"
                def attrList = !raw.substring(12)
                log.debug "parse raw aft 12 ${attrList}"
                logDebug "Parsing : attrList = $attrList"

something to do with the substring(12) line

seems to work 99% of the time then it send out the messages with a substring under 12???

they are there in the def updateColor(rgb)

 events += createEvent(name: "color", value: color, data: [ hue: hsv.hue, saturation: hsv.saturation, red:, green:, blue:, hex: color], displayed: false)
    events += createEvent(name: "hue", value: hsv.hue, displayed: false)
    events += createEvent(name: "saturation", value: hsv.saturation, displayed: false)

I always had pink color without this addition

Has anyone had any success with the GU10 bulb ? Thinking of getting some if they work.

Yeah they work.

@mark.cockcroft Hey, I'm back again after having bought a bunch of IKEA lights, remote controls etc. and I was looking to use the Livarno Lux LED strip with one of my IKEA STYRBAR Remote Control

I'm using the button controller App and my other dimmable lights when I press and hold the up button I have it configured to Start Raising the dimmer.
However this doesn't work for the LED strip. I believe it's because the other bulbs use the Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb which has the Start Level Change button(capability?) and Stop Level change.

Would it be possible to add this capability as well to the LED strip driver?

Or if it's not easy/possible anyone have any idea how to use the Button controller app to increase the level/brigtness when holding a button pressed?