Light won't switch on

You may also look into the Motion Lighting app as an option for this automation as well. Because you're using an OR in the rule there will be no guarantee that the time after motion will complete.

Hubitat has virtual devices, such as a virtual switch, that you can switch on and off using rules. One approach to this might be to use a virtual switch to prevent the light from turning off in a motion lighting rule.

You can then create seperate basic rules to switch that virtual switch on when the humidity is high, and off when it gets below your threshold.

I use Virtual Switches to basically record the state of something in the house like this. The only issue with humidity is that depending on where you live the humidity can naturally rise depending on conditions of course.

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Am I right in thinking that you are suggesting to remove the humidity factor and recreate it as a separate automation?

Also, I am not sure if you can shed any light on this, but I am having a bit of a timing / retrigger issue too.
For some reason, despite a 2-3 minutes ( after no motion ) turn off delay I am sometimes seeing the following:

  1. Light turns of randomly - sometimes it will delay it, sometimes it won't
  2. Lights don't retrigger quickly enough - for example, from an off state I will trigger the light by motion and allow it to turn off ( as mentioned above, sometimes it'll take the full duration sometimes it's much quicker ). When I try to retrigger by motion immediately after it just doesn't work. I have not timed it, but would guess at least a minute.

I know that each sensor has a time out which varies from brand to brand, in my case this is sonoff with what I believe around a minute time out.

having said that, I though that the built in turn off delay ( wait for 3 mins after no motion ) would basically override that time out and the motion sensor should retrigger the light immediately after it goes off.

have I got that right? Or am I expecting too much?


Does this mean anything to anyone? :slight_smile:

Not sure if I am looking right, but can't even see the motion sensor on there?

I was just about to comment and I got this message "You’ve posted more than 27% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from?" Is it trying to tell me I am not letting anyone else get a word in?

I appreciate every reply, from anyone who is willing to help :slight_smile:

And you, just like everyone else have been great so please keep it coming - helps me a lot!

Exactly. There will be many different approaches to automations (part of the fun of this) and there really isn't a single way of doing it, but when I started I took some original advice to use smaller rules, instead of highly complex ones.

Your automation is two types of rules combined in my view. It's a Motion Rule and a State Rule. The state you're measuring is 'BATH IN USE'/'NOT IN USE'. So I would approach this situation by creating an automation to determine whether the bath is in use separately, which would include the humidity measurement, but may also account for say the initial relative humidity. Helps to have a humidity rule that you can adjust based on the time of year for example.

But, you can then also do things like have a smart button that you can push to physically tell the house 'BATH IN USE'. I put a smart button on the wall next to the tub, and I just hit that and it overrides the usual motion time out and keeps it on until I'm done. I haven't used a humidity sensor there yet, but I'd likely use that with the fan once I can get that 'smart'.

Remember too that Motion Sensors have a timeout on them, where they won't retrigger within a certain timeframe. Some of them can be a few seconds, up to a couple of minutes depending on the brand. That may explain why the retrigger doesn't happen when you expect as well.

Edit: The other benefit of using Motion Lighting Apps is that it has options that are specifically tailored to options around Motion activated rules, including switch/button overrides and such. Hence why you could use a Virtual Switch, with humidity rules or even a manual button press to control the override with your motion rule.

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There have been other people reporting problems with Sonoff motion sensors, dropping off the mesh etc, so you may like to experiment with different drivers (eg generic motion sensor), or re-pairing it, or taking the batteries out and in and various things that seem to have done the trick for others... search for Sonoff motion in the forums

Hi Guys,
I thought i'd give you an update :slight_smile:

So far things are working out great and I've resolved the above lights / humidity issue by:

  1. Lights - I removed the "or" condition for humidity and the lights have not let me down once since. I think Hubitat was satisfied when either of the conditions was met before executing the action. This would explain why the lights were ignoring the pre set delay and turned off immediately when humidity was low.
    I have since then replaced all basic rules with one motion lightning rule / app and it's even better!

  2. Extractor Fan - I installed the "Smarter Humidity Fan" app, and.... that's it - works a treat!

Since then, I've also integrated my Samsung TV and created a rule machine rule ( yes, i did it! :sunglasses: :sweat_smile: ) to achieve the following:

I had to mess about a little because without action 3 & 4 the lights would remain on 0 brightness when switched on again - there are probably better ways of achieving the goal here, but my messy rule seems to work great.

Thanks and I'll be back :+1:

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Ok, seems I am not as clever as I thought!

I've now set up my kasa bulbs ( with appropriate driver ) with the mode lighting app.
Each mode has it's own colour temperature, but I am not sure yet if these will adjust when mode changes - time will tell.

What I am having a problem with is returning to the correct colour.
For example, I have my early evening mode set up to display a colour of 4000k - which is great ( not sure if works though? ),

However, when I change the colour ( for whatever reason ) - the colour remains at whatever I've changed it to.
I'd like to be able to set it up so that I can change colour to a different one, but then "reset it" back to the mode colour by turning the light off and on again.

Cut a long story short - How do I by default ALWAYS turn the lights on at the colour set in the Mode lightning app please?

Screenshot of the app:

The lights the rule is referring to are 2 kasa bulbs, controlled by a virtual switch - not sure how to present this with a screenshot, sorry.

Thanks for any help!

Ok, I've fixed it - but it doesn't feel right somehow...

In order to "easily" return to the colour I set my modes to I created another RM rule:

Although all seems ok, what I couldn't figure out was how to by default point the settings to the already predefined modes I created earlier? Here are the modes settings:

My modes have now changed from early evening to evening and for some reason the lights have not changed the brightness as defined in the rule below? Any idea why?

Thanks for any help!