Light Switches - Not showing changed status - New to Hubitat

I'm new to Hubitat but not home automation. I'm moving my system from Homeseer.

I included 4 wall switches and they will all turn on the lights when the switch is manually pushed and if I activate them through the web interface or iPhone app. Two of the switches do not show a change in my dashboard when activated manually.

This causes an issue with a rule I created (similar to the one in Homeseer). I want to turn on a fan and another light when I manually turn on the main light. The rule works if activated through the webpage or iPhone but not when I manually press the switch. That switch is one of the ones that does not register the change in the webpage of phone.

What is my issue?

Thanking everyone in advance,


Addressing this issue requires more by way of detail. Could you answer these questions:

  1. Z-wave or zigbee?
  2. How many total z-wave/zigbee devices? How many of these are z-wave/zigbee repeaters?
  3. Are the switches on Hubitat's list of compatible devices? Brand, model number?
  4. Assuming z-wave, are they z-wave plus? Most older z-wave devices do not support "instant status".
  5. Do the switches have the latest firmware from the manufacturer?

In the meanwhile, assuming they are z-wave switches, you might try running the z-wave poller app on just those two switches.


  1. Z-wave or zigbee? Z-Wave
  2. How many total z-wave/zigbee devices? How many of these are z-wave/zigbee repeaters? ^ Z-Wave devices all within 20 feet of the hub
  3. Are the switches on Hubitat's list of compatible devices? Brand, model number? Listed under generic but I changed to GE Enlighton and no change
  4. Assuming z-wave, are they z-wave plus? Most older z-wave devices do not support "instant status". Should be z-wave Plus but may not be. I'll have to check on that
  5. Do the switches have the latest firmware from the manufacturer? Not sure. Never needed that before with Homeseer.

I have a feeling it is the Z-Wave Plus issue as the two switches in question are kinda old. Great information!! I hope it is the issue.

I'll update once I get home from work.



If you look at the Hubitat Device page for the device, at the clusters (near the bottom of the page), if you see 0x5E that indicates a Z-Wave Plus device.


That does look like the problem. Two of the 4 switches are not Z-Wave Plus. I'll move them around and see if I can do what I want to do.

Thanks everyone!!

That is working however it takes 3 to 4 seconds for the other lights to come on. With Homeseer it was almost instantaneous.

What can I do to make this go faster?



I have a houseful of new GE/Jasco wall switches and experience something similar. I was told by @JasonJoel that it was likely because the toggle switch is acting as a button switch and it takes time for the system to make sure you have double tapped or held the thing.

On the other hand, I've associated the switches using @JasonJoel 's driver and I get the same 3 second delay. I believe association is just on and off, and it's just communication between devices, so I don't know, maybe it's related to the switch.

Yours worked fast before, so again, I don't know.


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When I turn the switch through the website the other lights turn on almost instantaneously.

I'm experimenting now, just because.
If, in the app, I set the trigger as a double tap, it works instantly.

It's the physical switch thing.

I tried single tapped button, but that's still delayed.

@JasonJoel , check this out.
Having a lot of time on my hands I messed around with changing parameters. Most of them can't be changed except for 3 (led), and I think 4 (button direction), and.....19, which does I don't know what. But...changing 19 to 1 makes the action instantaneous!

Would be nice to know what 19 is though, lol.

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What parameters are you looking at to change? I can't find any in what I set up.

This is for a new version GE/Jasco switch.

Parameter 19. I have no idea what it does. I know it fixes this issue though.

You have to use a tool like the Basic Z-Wave tool to change Parameter 19 from 0 to 1.
Basic Z-Wave Tool (do a search) is a user device that allows you to change parameter values.

What's the model # of the switch?

You may be able to find something (like this) on the Z-Wave Alliance (certification body) site.

This just happened to be the first toggle switch I found here:

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It still doesn't tell you what that really does!

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Very nice. Will do some more reading.

"Alternate Exclusion" whatever that is. Maybe when param 19=1, you can exclude the device that way.

The switch I have is: .

And, there isn't much there, alas.
It also doesn't have param 4 which flips the toggle action.

Since I don't really feel like re-including, I'm not going to do the 2onand 2off thing.