Light Switches - Not showing changed status - New to Hubitat

Alternate Exclusion is exactly what it says it is. :slight_smile:

Wouldn't think that would have anything to do with on/off reporting though, so it is interesting you are seeing a difference with that setting changed.

I'll try to collect some data on that when I get a minute. Specifically need to see how adjusting that parameter changes the reporting from the device (if it does).

I could take a couple screenshots of debug logs, if that would help.

I can try it on one of mine 1st. I have a ton of them laying around unused (paddle tyle, not toggle - but same thing firmware-wise).

Yup, you are right... Makes little sense to me, but it wouldn't be the 1st time there was something 'weird' in the Jasco firmware...

FYI @bcopeland

On the new style "Enbrighten"/GE/Honeywell/UltraPro devices...

  • Setting Alternate Exclusion Parameter 19=0 (the default value) yields 1-3s delay on physical ON/OFF reports.
  • Setting Alternate Exclusion Parameter 19=1 yields more/less instant ON/OFF reports (both central scene and SwitchMultiLevel).

Firmware quirk I think... I can't imagine that was by design.

In any case I'll add that setting to my drivers, and make a note in the corresponding thread. It needs to be a manually selected option, though, as I don't think it would be proper for the driver to automatically change pairing behavior on a device.

Good find!


I just changed 5 associated switches in the basement, and they work fast as well. As expected, but verified.

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:eyes::thinking: Interesting